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This article is about the venerable Eastern city. For the player from which it receives its name, see goomyman77. For the country also named for the player, see Goomlandia. For the defunct mesa state, please refer to Bagelonia.


Goomtown, formerly called Bageltown, is the capital of Goomlandia and currently the largest city in the world. It is a very international city with many part-time foreign residents and often shelters refugees and players without a nation. It features many landmarks and tourist attractions such as the Goomtown Library, Cheesegrate Tower, Goomtown Gabeford, the Great Mother Tree, Doggo Statue, the Museum of Goomlandian History (currently under construction), an ancient fort, and the Goomlandian Capitol building. Many businesses have made their home in Goomtown throughout its existence, most notably WikiLeaks. Goomtown is also the most densely populated location in the server.


Goomtown was founded as Bageltown on December 7, 2018 (two days after the founding of Goomlandia by awesome_ketchup and goomyman77) as a collaborative project between Goomlandia and its only neighbor Bagelonia. Despite being meant as a border town, it became the center of Goomlandian activity throughout the next few months (despite extensive developments also being made in Champignon and the province of Clappia), eventually becoming the capital. However, the Bagelonian side of the town never developed as heavily as the Goomlandian side and the Bagelonia eventually gave up on the joint project. As Goomlandia grew in size, members, and influence, Bageltown became a known destination for trade; but not for tourism, because the architecture was among the worst on the server. Upon the merger of Goomlandia with Voidnest to form Goomnest, a second wave of development of the city occurred as new members continued to join and need houses. However, many criticized the city's layout and architecture at this time; including many Voidnestian Goomnesters who were used to the much prettier Voidnestian landscape. Many buildings were also attempts at automated commerce which fell through and rendered the buildings empty and unused for months. Despite these complaints, Goomtown remained the cultural and economic center of Goomlandia (and arguably Goomnest as Voidnestian development was much slower during this time.) After the collapse of Goomnest, the city plunged into a depression; the once busy streets became quiet and theft rates greatly increased. The ensuing Bagelonian Questions and several later raids on the city by Bagelonia prompted the city's renaming to Goomtown; the remaining members of Goomlandia wanted to have a more national name for the city and also had deep resentment towards Bagelonia after the Occupation of Goomtown.

Renaissance-era Goomtown

After the newly renamed Goomtown had the majority of its members return from inactivity, then-leader goomyman77 and recent Voidnestian immigrant brokate (soon to be Coleader) set up the Goomtown BBQ, which used consensual crowdsourced burning and demolition to destroy the majority of the city. The purpose behind this was to clear out the ancient and often extremely ugly buildings to make way for more aesthetically pleasing and functional ones, and to redo the street plan of the city (which had grown erratically over the months) to be less confusing. After the event was over and the debris had been cleared (though some remained for months afterwards, most notably the ruins of the original Goomtown Hotel) construction began on modern Goomtown, beginning with the port and spreading eastwards. A subway system was implemented and construction began on the Goomtown wall, intended to guard against Goomlandia's then-hostile neighbors VOC and Bagelonia. (How much guarding it actually did is questionable as the majority of it was not completed until long after those two nations ceased to exist.) During the Renaissance, literature, architecture, and activity flourished in Goomtown, and the streets became busy again despite the small size of the city. It continued to slowly develop eastwards throughout the months after the Renaissance and through the short-lived leadership of brokate. After the transfer of power to the current leader Grooge64 after brokate's resignation in October 2019, Goomtown and Goomlandia as a whole slowly became more economically prosperous (it had been very poor since the Bagelonian Questions, when Sylvian and Bagelonian forces looted most everything of value out of Goomlandian storage). Under his leadership, goomyman77 became Mayor of the city and began to develop it further.

Recent History

As the nation grew once more and new members came looking for residences, the city expanded outwards from its original core area and swallowed up already exisiting settlements. In February 2020 the city began not only becoming increasingly international but also began building upwards; the Goomtown Library was the city's first many-storied building and it was soon followed by the Capitol which began construction later that month. As turmoil raged elsewhere in the world, many refugees passed through the Goomtown Hotel and became familiar with the city. As a third wave of development (driven mostly by goomyman77's desire to procrastinate on the Capitol) brought Goomtown to be bound by its walls, real estate inside the city became increasingly valuable as space diminished. This development led to several transactions of plots within the city between foreigners as they sought either a vacation residence in the city or business opportunities. Goomtown's population grew throughout mid-2020 to become again the most densely populated region in the world. However, lag problems plauged the residents of the city; this lag was cleaned up mid-July after its cause was found to be the numerous campfires on the walls. It has in recent times become a frequent tourist destination, so much so that many foreigners sought residence within the city itself. The most recent development in Goomtown has been Cheesegrate Tower; a flex tower made of solid gold, it houses some of the most epic gamers from accross the world and features a redstone elevator and amazing views of both Goomtown and Voidnest.

Daily Life

Goomtown is a bustling place where many people come to visit and see the sights of the city. There are many job opportunities within the city and more often than not someone's doing an odd job. Running into someone in the streets is not uncommon; horses from a recent ArenaFest event roam free within the walls and are a convenient way to travel quickly. Chickens (affectionately dubbed "pidgeons") also roam free within the city though they tend to stick to the old part of the town. Native residents or frequent visitors often have to bail out first-time visitors as they tend to get lost in the size of the city. Different neighborhoods have different names (some more creative than others), mostly named after the small settlements absorbed by the city as it grew. Visitors and new players are welcomed and, if lacking gear or food, will often be unexpectedly equipped by a passing Goomlandian. Despite the tight feel of the city, there are many open plots and development is always ongoing!


(including Champignon)

- Grooge64

- Frizfamipad

- goomyman77

- DoctorProck

- brokate

- Escantophobia

- Zenythynx

- wisteriablossoms

- cherryAdvocate

- IzzyBizzy44444

- crazyjuplup

- StonkseleksI

- Bowilla

- MTJNC (part-time)

- ArcherAce (part-time)

- MedimaNN (part-time)

- Chipt I (part-time)

- fbia34 (part-time)

- coolnut10 (part-time)

- Doctor_Hound (part-time)

- MasterInventor (part-time)

- The_Brunt (part-time)

- PlasmaMintz (part-time)

- CreeperColder (part-time)