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Chipt is a majority shareholder of MI Inc. and the Chief Diplomat of Syltheim. He is known for his planning and work on the Nelt, as well as his research and work with the international organization, Cascadia.


The final straw that pushed Chipt to join Montrose.

Chipt joined the server on March 17, 2020, and was soon recruited by FlyingGMM to join Montrose. While he waited for the Montrosian Assembly to vote on his citizenship, HUMmian citizen MTJNC discouraged his choice, citing corruption and stagnation in the Montrosian government, convincing him instead to join HUM. When Chipt woke up the next morning, he found his first build in ruins, with a note from MTJNC: "Sorry bro you aren't allowed to build yet". Out of annoyance with MTJNC and an overall preference of Montrosian biomes, Chipt accepted his invitation to Montrose.


Upon joining Montrose, Chipt settled in the plains west of Gabeford, once inhabited by MiksaSerbia. He named his estate Turrentine.

On April 10, he created the city of Cascadia, a multi-person estate in western Montrose with Nhcarr and ItsTreen. While this settlement was never highly populated, it featured a large embassy building, an industrial district, and a replica of Chipt's first Montrosian house.

Balkan Troubles

During the Balkan Troubles, he became a secret agent on behalf of Sylvia to find inside information about Crna Ruka (the Black Hand). In an incident staged by Chipt and FlyingGMM, he was caught allegedly stealing gear and valuables from Montrose to give to the Black Hand, and kicked out from Sylvia. A fake Montrosian armory was constructed in the city of Cascadia, used as a prop for the Black Hand to access without risking the true location of the armory. A combination of Chipt's political naivety as a new player and the Black Hand's keen awareness of potential spying prevented these efforts from coming to fruition. However, peace was eventually reached and Chipt was readmitted to Sylvia with the Hero of the Union award.


On June 8, he spontaneously left Montrose out of boredom and a distaste for the small number of allotted faction claims, resigning his Sylvian delegacy and ownership of the city of Cascadia. He soon became a resident of the Kingdom of Vailan with hopes to build villages and farms, after admiring their work However, a period of inactivity resulted in him doing almost nothing in Vailan, and he left before being sworn in as a member.


The same day, June 27, he rejoined Montrose in order to participate in its Nelt company, anticipating the restructuring caused by the Nether Update. On July 13th, he was involved in an Sylvian operation that discovered a Black Hand bunker in Krvija. A mental health break put his Nelt work on hold, and he left Montrose on July 15.

Cascadia and the Republic of Yugoslavia

On August 1, the nation of Cascadia was formed under Chipt's leadership, settling in the birch forests of the West. After acquiring the territories of Hybrasil, the two states were incorporated into the newly reformed Republic of Yugoslavia on August 28, with Chipt citing interests in advancing his technological expertise and reuniting the Hybrasilian Katawicz with his old friends.


On October 15, he joined the secession group during the Secession of Jugoslavija, incorporating the lands of Cascadia as a state of Jugoslavija. While he did not approve of the secession group ignoring the constitutional path to electing a new leader, he felt compelled to join them, considering he was months into mining a 2-million block area for the Big Beacon project with Katawicz, one of the four original members of the secession.

His time in Jugoslavija was also marked by increased political awareness and partisanship, gaining the anti-Schevakian sentiments of his peers.

The Cascadia Purchase

pdln, Chipt, Terranelm, and Borg_Minion after signing the official Cascadia Purchase document.

Main article: Terranelm's First Term and The Cascadia Purchase

In an effort to centralize Jugoslavijan land, he led a project to sell the lands of Cascadia to its northern neighbor Syltheim on January 16, 2021, later moving to the capital city Lazarica to work on the Jugoslavijan MaLLL.

The Grove-Yusefist War

Chipt went into hiding on February 9, 2021 after losing in battle against StonkseleksI (with assistance from CreeperColder). This was the first major battle of the Grove-Yusefist War. He donated the majority of his belongings to friends, fellow nations, and organizations, under the guise of a will.


After being in hiding for some time, Chipt became a resident of the newly Sylthian lands of Cascadia, functioning as a base of operations for his international activities. Shortly afterward, he transitioned out of his intermediate role and joined Syltheim as a citizen.

Theft Allegations

On April 24, 2021, Chipt was outed for complicity in a theft of items from Emerald Enclave citizen MTJNC during his time in Jugoslavija. Although he stayed silent for most of the conflict, citing a desire to only talk to those investigating him, he did publicly admit that he was not proud of his actions. An independent investigation and search of his bunker concluded that Chipt was involved with Kaleidoeyes127 in unclaiming MTJNC's bunker a short period before the thefts took place, but not involved in stealing any items. He claimed to investigators to have advised Kaleidoeyes127 to not take anything and anonymously contact Emerald Enclave to let them know that they should reclaim the bunker. He also claimed not to have known about ThePoptartTARDIS's involvement in the thefts until the investigation revealed it, months after the fact. Ultimately, no charges were pressed on Chipt.

Chief Diplomat Campaign

Chipt for Chief
Chipt's official campaign poster.

On July 24, 2021, Chipt announced his candidacy for the position of Chief Diplomat of Syltheim. His campaign promises included finishing the Constitution of Syltheim, instituting a national lawbook, solidifying Syltheim's public economy, and being a professional figurehead of the Sylthian people. He was elected Chief Diplomat on August 2, 2021, and served two terms before going inactive in early 2022.


Chipt returned to Montrose in mid-2022. He returned to He is the Montrosian Minister of Transportation. He is the producer of Chipt's Famous Chicken.

Other Ventures

Cascadia (organization)

A Cascadia poll on world religions.

Cascadia is a multifaceted international organization run by Chipt with support from the community. It was created in conjunction with Chipt's nation of the same name, but became a separate political organization when the land of Cascadia was incorporated into the Republic of Yugoslavia. It is home to Cascadia Polls, a leading research initiative that creates public opinion polls on current political conflicts and nations across Elgeis. Additionally, the Cascadian Environmental Committee is a group of leading environmentalists who maintain a set of environmental guidelines adopted by the IBWH for international regulation.

MI Inc.

Chipt is the majority shareholder of MI Inc. His position was put on hold after being connected to the theft of MTJNC's items, but was reinstated once he was cleared in the investigation.

Nelt Map

Chipt is the creator of the Interactive Nelt Map, a virtual tool to help players navigate the international Nether highway, and to visualize his plans for its restructuring after the 1.16 Nether Update. In order to standardize and increase the efficiency of the Nelt, as well as make it less confusing for players to navigate through the world, he proposed a plan featuring a set of 5 north/south lines and 5 east/west lines, with every exit one step away from a line. This plan was adopted by the IBWH and the Nether Preservation Committee, and is currently in effect in the Nelt today.

A group of bargoers at the Rabid Hen.
A group of bargoers at the Rabid Hen.

The Rabid Hen

The Rabid Hen is a tavern & inn in Chiptown. It features a selection of local & international food and drinks.