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Revision as of 20:35, 16 February 2021 by Pawnch (talk | contribs) (Single-player countries category)
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Known for its Rip Van Winkle rum and modern build-style, Championis was founded by Pawnch_ on July 6, 2020. Championis is located in the Northeast, bordering Goomlandia, Grove Tribe, Kovska, and Vailan.


The main and only settlement in Championis is located on the border between the savanna, desert, and grassy biomes in the Southeast corner of its entire nation, bordering Kovska. It consists of a few redstone builds, a modern-style house, and small huts with a main town square. Slightly apart from the other builds, there was discovered to be a corrupted chasm.

Political History

Throughout it's lifetime, Championis has made efforts to stay neutral in most conflicts, many times alluding to anti-war sentiments. Currently, Championis is part of the Northern Alliance and has been in one notable conflict.

Caracali Raid

On November 24, 2020, it was discovered that someone had come to Championis and stolen all valuable resources. This attack had been seemingly unwarranted and was taken to be a raider attacking the world; in the coming days, many cases of missing items were reported coming from all ends of the globe. We do not know why but the attacker seemed to have come by three days later and gave him one of every disc minus pigstep; despite this gesture of kindness, Pawnch_ was still a long way from getting back what was stolen. With investigation on many parts, it was soon discovered by the Jugoslavija Repossession Team that the items were stolen by Caracalistan along with many other stolen items of the time.


