Feeblia was a nation created by KrabulonBestGirl on January 17th, 2020, after leaving Watergate due to its affiliation with mejackmac. The short-lived independent state of Feeblia held a savannah biome on the northeast border of Watergate. After some time being independent Feeblia decided to join the reformed Vanskovich as an autonomous state.
The history of Feeblia starts on January 17th, 2020. KrabulonBestGirl had joined Watergate, the successor state of Nyania, and on the exact same day, Fianna started military action against Watergate due to the problems with Mejackmac. Krabulon hid in a dirt house but was discovered by MiksaSerbia, who was volunteering on the Fiannan side of the war effort. MiksaSerbia told him to freeze as he was in full combat gear. Krabulon refused and tried to escape but was killed by MiksaSerbia. He then left Watergate in anger and founded Feeblia. Feeblia continued as an independent nation till February 3rd 2020, when it merged with Vanskovich. When Vanskovich in turn merged with Goomlandia, Feeblia was left empty, but Krabulon, who had been Yugoslavian in the interim, founded Krabbatoah south of where it had been shortly before the Balkan Troubles.