Banned players

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Revision as of 05:06, 7 January 2021 by Grooge64 (talk | contribs) (added jpbeecher)
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Notice: Plenty of people come onto the discord server and get banned, either for leaving the discord or failing vetting. This list foregoes the swathes of "unknown player, not in discord" players which Staff have banned, including only those who have made some kind of presence on Elgeis.

Player Date of Ban Reason
mania_man111 (APPEALED) 09/08/2018 X-Raying
Perihelion_Jack 09/24/2019 Incredibly Toxic Behavior, Left Discord
Hatty_Hominid 09/29/2018 Wanton Indiscriminate Griefing
aquascissors 12/22/2018 Not Understanding the Server In the Slightest
dinoking93 01/23/2019 X-Raying
ForeverAmour 01/23/2019 X-Raying
PizzasWithBone 02/10/2019 Wanton Indiscriminate Griefing, Toxicity
raVVen217 05/31/2019 Toxicity, Bringing IRL in-game
ScorchMark 07/29/2019 X-Raying
Vin3gar 07/30/2019 X-Raying
BadhorsieJake 08/05/2019 Combat hacking
turtle2dj 08/31/2019 Toxicity, Senseless Griefing
TimelessGaming 08/31/2019 Alt of turtle2dj
hotbaby69 09/02/2019 Alt of turtle2dj
CarolineOfSparta 09/14/2019 Inviting player directly with the IP and attempting to blame it on another player
looC_rM 11/22/2019 Alt of BadhorsieJake
Frizfamipad 11/25/2019 Among a history of infractions, changing his username to "Darth Vader" and saying the N-word (hard R) in almost every channel he had access to
Rustyshakleford 12/08/2019 Toxicity
Tasty_Soda 12/12/2019 Indiscriminate griefing, see Progeria
Keetsu 12/12/2019 Indiscriminate griefing, see Progeria
danielmihranhano 12/12/2019 Indiscriminate griefing, see Progeria
Machow 12/12/2019 Indiscriminate griefing, see Progeria
cimcimmy 12/12/2019 Indiscriminate griefing, see Progeria
Ertgec_hui 12/12/2019 Indiscriminate griefing, see Progeria
c0cs 12/14/2019 Indiscriminate griefing
Darkotek 12/23/2019 X-raying
Rook246 12/23/2019 X-raying
Fluffypiedog555 12/25/2019 Alting, attempting to convince MedimaNN to alt
StorMAnqell 01/05/2020 Alt of Fluffypiedog555
imakoopatroopa (APPEALED) 01/06/2020 Metagaming
Mejackmac 02/13/2020 Directly disobeying admins' orders not to blanket advertise in a public discord, attempted to hide the fact that he did so anyway
ImGroceries 02/17/2020 Catfishing as a little Chinese girl
PizzasWithBone (post-appeal) 03/02/2020 X-raying
Echitz1 03/03/2020 Toxicity
WarThunder18 03/28/2020 Toxicity: Repeated use of the N word
Nhcarr 04/23/2020 Indiscriminate Griefing
guptacakeman 04/26/2020 Posting meta admin documents in WikiLeaks
keyguyperson 5/13/2020 X-raying
DragonTek21 5/18/2020 Other
RedBrain144 7/13/2020 X-raying
AntiLegacy 7/13/2020 X-raying
Frizfamipad (post-appeal) 7/13/2020 Toxicity
MiksaSerbia 8/25/2020 Metagaming (intending to "go out with a bang" by griefing everyone he didn't like then leaving the server)

Toxicity, including racist jokes and hostility toward admins for telling him not to break the rules

MedimaNN 8/27/2020 Toxicity: Called the Third Reich and genocide "based", doubled down and refused to apologize
Deadlocked2065 8/27/2020 Toxicity: Called the Third Reich and genocide "based", doubled down and refused to apologize
Warboi1 9/6/2020 Combat hacking
rocketfart110 10/9/2020 Toxicity: Spammed the N word in affiliated discord
FarmerJohn_2016 10/27/2020 Toxicity
air1056 12/14/2020 Metagaming
KrabulonBestGirl 12/16/2020 Lying to admins about young_dio's age multiple times in character references.
young_dio 10/9/2020 Lying to admins about young_dio's age multiple times in character references. jpbeecher 1/4/2021 Posting a link intentionally to crash the browsers of those who viewed it.