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The national colors and flag of Wooklandia.


Wooklandia is a nation located within the West Sea. It has been created by camaradultudor on March 2nd, 2020, located north of the Kate Forest and south of Kaab. The current regime is a democratic one. The party in power of Wooklandia is the Wooklandian National Reactionary Party, currently led by camaradultudor for the following 8 years, which is one term.


Wooklandia has gained history even after 7 days of its existence, after camaradultudor, the Prime Minister of Wooklandia publicly claimed that he will be taking control of the entirety of the Kate Forest, in a attempt to force Goomlandia to change its terms regarding that terrain, after negotiatons have ceased from the Wookish side. During these negotiations, a close friendship with Schevakia had been formed, as both of the countries had history with eachother, going way back to Caracalistan. After the Kate Forest crisis had ended, Wooklandia formed an mutual defense alliance with Schevakia as a thank you. Shortly after, both The_Brunt and thepolg were awarded honorary citizenship within Wooklandian territory for their actions.


Wooklandia had been originally created in order to provide camaradultudor a home, after he had been kicked out of Vastilis. Originally, it had been planned that the nation would exist somewhere in Montrose or a already existing state as a self-governing region within another government, however, that idea was scrapped and later on redesigned for full Wooklandian independence.


While the Wooklandian military may not be bigger than one single person, the country itself has plans to expand its military. Unlike other nations, Wooklandia does not suffer of lack of equipment, as only one person is apart of the military itself. Weapons such as TNT are known to be in their possession, but only used as a deterrent, claims camaradultudor.


The Prime Minister of Wooklandia claims that plans on developing the region have passed the vote in parliament, and that the developing itself will start once the Kate Forest is fully in Wookish possession. The only buildingswithin Wooklandia that can be visited is the Parliament, which has a tiny brewery acting as its basement, left by the previous settlers. The Kate Forest also has a settlement that has been abandoned. camaradultudor publicly claimed he has plans to either industrialize the Kate Forest or mark it as a protected park within Wooklandian soil.