
Revision as of 16:43, 10 February 2021 by Chipt (talk | contribs) (Remove Chipt and Cascadia)

Jugoslavija is a multi-state nation located primarily in the South but with territories on all four corners of the world. Focused on cutting edge technology, advancements in architecture, generosity, states' rights, and preserving the historical glory of the fatherland for generations to come, its members range from environmental advocates to world-class engineers. It is a successor to Yugoslavia and seceded from the Republic of Yugoslavia (now Vostok).



Main article: Secession of Jugoslavija

War with Caracalistan

Main article: Jugoslav-Caracali War


  • AdilOzbay lives a monastic lifestyle in an undisclosed location, spending all of his time on self-reflection and experimenting with blinking lights.
  • Kaleidoeyes127 is the Secretary of the Environment and a balancing force for the nation. On the side, she is a fashion designer and city planner, as well as the architect of the powerful yet homely state of Comus.
  • Katawicz is a world-class engineer and the mastermind behind projects like Big Beacon. He lives a quiet but productive life in the southern ocean territories of Hybrasil.
  • ThePoptartTARDIS is the Prime Minister of Jugoslavija and the backbone of its historic lore. The former King of Yugoslavia, he resides in the province of Lazarica.