War of Northern Aggression

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Revision as of 15:38, 21 March 2021 by FlyingGMM (talk | contribs)
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The War of Northern Aggression (also known as the Great Western War) was a war instigated by radical Oarfanists (see: Oarfanism) against all countries who harbored followers of non-Oarfanist religions. It was sparked with the Vailic Ultimatum, which demanded the so-called "heretic" states to convert to Oarfanism and hand over their heretical citizens, as well as bring forth certain political enemies for prosecution.

It is by and large the most wide-scale, destructive war to take place on Elgeis to date, with ten participating states, over 25 players engaged in active combat, physical devastation stretching to three regions/continents and five countries, and 9-10 withers released in total.


The topic of the winning side in the war is subject to fierce debate.

For the Sylvian side, they maintain that they won the war due to Vailan completely failing to accomplished their expressed goals, while the Sylvians won by virtue of preventing Vailan from doing so, which was their entire goal for the war.

The Vailish side also maintains that they won the war, but has not provided any justification for this.