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Vanskovich is a series of islands and chunk of land on the Sylvian continent. Vanskovich uses a Russian naming scheme for most of its buildings and areas. They are the main nation in the west sea, covering up a sizable portion of the west sea world border. They have very close ties to Goomlandia, and by proxy the mesa states to some extent. Most citizens of Vanskovich are fervent nationalists, while the current SGS, MedimaNN, prefers a more worldly (to some extent) approach to his governing.

So far, a total of 6 people are Vansk citizens. Baconator3645 is not considered a citizen due to him never playing before.

The official Vansk Charter can be found here, and the official Vansk War Playlist can be found here.


Anything within the blue is Vansk territory. Red circles represent administrative regions.

Vanskovich is divided into administrative regions run by governors. These are:

The Glavnaya (Home Island) - Run by MedimaNN

The Yug (South Island) - Run by Frizfamipad (but utilized by MedimaNN)

The Syevyer (North Land) - Run by Sparkygeneral00

The Levy'ye Ostrova (Left Islands) - Run by Deadlocked2065

The Pravy'ye Ostrova (Right Islands) - Run by IV_Jelly

The Yuzhnaya Urisa (South Urice) - Run by DDBug

MedimaNN also runs the Svetya, as the entire area is meant for foreign buisness; He also runs Urisa, former Urice.

One part of the Botanian Isles was sold to Goomyman77 as a private venture. This island is now known as Loinami. SGS MedimaNN thinks this trade was very worth while, and that the Botanian Isles are much more pretty after Goom renovated it.


A Vansk flag. Blue and red symbolize the past and future, purple symbolizes the present, and grey symbolizes fortitude.

Vanskovich and its founding starts much before MedimaNN enters the server. MedimaNN was aproached by FlyingGMM on a Model U.N. trip, and was asked to join the server. There, he learned the ins and outs of the server, as well as an introduction to the nations that would eventually become The Sylvian Union. Upon first learning about the server, MedimaNN wanted to join Montrose, and help improve the architecture. After much deliberation, MedimaNN wanted rather to create a pirate state along the lines of Deathwatch, with a more capitalist focus. Unlike Deathwatch, MedimaNNs nation would be situated on the recently opened up New Arcadian landmass (modern day Riftisle). Upon understanding that making enemies with extremely powerful nations was a bad idea, he also gave up the idea of a mercenary state, instead making a socialist authoritarian state known as Riyalovets. Goomyman77 was gracious enough to proofread what was a very large constitution/wiki article on Riyalovets. Sadly, the idea of Riyalovets faded after MedimaNN let go of his yet unfounded claim over New Arcadia. When FlyingGMM gave a tour of Montrose, he let MedimaNN pick a spot on the map to use for setting up his nation. FlyingGMM took him to the wrong area, (which is now a part of Vanskovich), and Theboyus was formed, and was subsequently changed to Vanskovich.


Vanskovich's government is a diarchy led by the Secretary General of the State (SGS) and Secretary General of the People (SGP). The SGS deals with matters relating to the state and its foreign discourse, and the SGP deals with matters relating to the internal affairs of the Vansk citizenry. Currently, the SGS and SGP are MedimaNN and Deadlocked2065 (MedimaNNs cousin), respectively. Each member of Vanskovich is given a piece of land to govern, and it is theirs to do as they please, as long as any major projects are approved by the SGP or SGS if such project relates to any other nations. As all members of the state are part of the government (that meaning, at least a governor), Vanskovich has a 100% government participation rate. As all members of the state are working for the state, 1/2 of anything of value created/mined/etc are put in the state vault, and can be used by any member of the state. Hoarding of materials from the vault is considered a minor crime.

Domestic Policies

Generally, Vanskovich's domestic policies are simple. If you build something big, tell the SGP, and dont get involved with foreign affairs unless you talk to the SGS first. Due to the lax nature of law in Vanskovich (the only crimes being stealing, hoarding, and deserting in war), Vansk citizens are free to build, test, and make use of the land they are allotted. It should also be noted that all citizens are free to use the brewery, but cannot make any Everclear.

Foreign Policies

Vansk foreign policy is a complex matter, as Vansk alignments have shifted immensely from its conception. The "Golden Rule" of Vansk foreign policy is that work for another state has to be approved by the SGS. This, however, does not apply for that state citizens (e.g MedimaNN helping Abstacious rebuild Andervale because a building was destroyed). Other than that golden rule, Vansk citizens are allowed to do what they please abroad. Alignment of Vanskovich in terms of political motives change rapidly and sporadically depending on the states current situation. At one point, Vanskovich was part of The Northern Alliance, but after much deliberation, ended up going to war with Vailan, fighting along side Sylvia. The court of public opinion is the driving factor in many Vansk decisions.

Notable Locations

In The Glavnaya

Tower Vanskovich - Башня Ванскович - MedimaNNs home and a base of operations for Vanskovich

The Factory, where kelp is produced.

The Factory - Фабрика - The Vansk kelp farm and autosmelter, powered by kelp.

The Walls of Glavnaya - Стены Главной - The walls that surround the Glavnaya, playfully referred to as the Glucose by Abstacious.

Spade HQ - Лопата дом - Spades headquarters, adorned with lapis floors and a gold/emerald front desk.

The Church Of Christianity - Церковь Христианства - The church that Frizfamipad had set up to practice Christianity, mainly in protest of the Church of Orfanism. FlyingGMM donated a bell for the church during its construction.

The Turtle Palace - Черепаховый дворец - A large scute farm on the small Glavnayan island, near the church.

In The Yug

The Farm - Ферма - The mass of potatoes planted with help from Goom.

Zemlyaka - Земляка - The villager town, currently in development.

The RTC (Ray Tracing Core) - Ядро РТ - The large grinder, runs on a reverse boat clock.

In the Levy'ye Ostrova

Historic Botania - Старая Ботания - The wooden vertical complex/home of Ob2 before he went inactive and eventually annexed by Vanskovich.

In the Pravy'ye Ostrova

Currently under construction as of September 2019, contains the unfinished remains of Deadlocked2065's home.

In the Syevyer

Fort Syevyer - Форт Север - A fortress and the home of Sparkygeneral00, built before the Vansk charter was drafted.

Doma Turts - Дома Черепах - A small scute farm put up in case the main farm is damaged.

Village Belaya - Белая Деревня - A small villager area that went up before Zemlyaka

In Svetya

Current embassies and foreign buildings are

- The Goomlandian Embassy

Spade Inc. (SPADE)

Spade Inc. is a corporation run by the Vansk government, lead by MedimaNN, with help from Frizfamipad. Spade Inc. is split into a Spade branch and a Vansk branch. The Spade branch is run by Frizfamipad (formerly, now run by MedimaNN), while the Vansk branch is run by MedimaNN. So far, Spade businesses include:

Spade Branch

Spade Kelp - A kelp shop selling kelp at 2 diamonds per stack.

Frizzys Meats - A meat shop located in Goomtown.

Vansk Branch

Vansk Imports - A custom shoe/clothing shop. They do not sell diamond clothing.

Vansk Brewing - A brewery that specializes in Everclear and its derivatives (Netherclear and Enderclear).

Vansk Photography - A photography service, all photos are 1920x1080 and have the customers choice of texture packs and shaders (standard being the vanilla textures and Sildurs Extreme shaders).