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Revision as of 14:04, 15 April 2022 by MrDutch28 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== MrDutch28 == MrDutch28, Also known as Dutch. He is the founder of former VOC back in 2019 where he was Dennypower, but came back on April 5 2022 after a long break back to Elgeis with the foundation of Dutch Enterprises where he has settled himself in the far east of Elgeis where he leads Dutch Enterprises as an Private Trading Company similar to how the VOC was back in 2019. == History == File:MrDutch28.png|thumb|...")
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MrDutch28, Also known as Dutch. He is the founder of former VOC back in 2019 where he was Dennypower, but came back on April 5 2022 after a long break back to Elgeis with the foundation of Dutch Enterprises where he has settled himself in the far east of Elgeis where he leads Dutch Enterprises as an Private Trading Company similar to how the VOC was back in 2019.


Alias: Dutch Affiliation: Dutch Enterprises

Let's hop into the history of MrDutch on he's been through, Back in March 3 2019, goomyman77 invited Dennypower back then where he joined Goomlandia and settled himself in Goomtown but due the dispute of Bagelonian Question, Dennypower did not seek war and found his own nation called the VOC. Inside Goomlandia to pressure goomyman77 to accept the ultimatum back then. where it later resulted in the Goomsplosion as Dennypower decided to remain independent instead of rejoining Goomlandia. As time passed and VOC went on it's growth it seeked to claim GoomTown but it was quickly twarted by Kingdom of Vailan#The Western Crisis (7/11/2019-7/28/2019) after War of Northern Aggression the VOC capitulated and joined Goomlandia again where Dennypower few days later quitted at the end of 2019. As years passed, In 2022 FlyingGMM asked MrDutch if he was interested in joining back and he gladly accepted as he founded Dutch Enterprises at his return where he leads it since April 5 2022