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<blockquote>''"Slovė Balandžiui!" - Sydak''</blockquote>
{{Infobox_character|name = Sydak|image = Sydak.png|aliases = Princess of Emeraldia, ACanadianGuy (Former), Blank (Former)|imagecaption=Sydak as of June, Year 6.|affiliation = [[Emeraldia]]|marital=Single|birthDate = November 23, 2021|joinDate=November 23, 2021|birthPlace = Emerald Bay, Emeraldia|species=Human|gender=Female}}
== Overview ==
Sydak, Formerly known as ACanadianGuy, is the Princess of Emeraldia and former Prime-Minister/Co-leader of Balandis. Currently she is known for her commitment to Emeraldia and strong anti-war stance. She is also a strong advocate of Overworld transportation systems such as the [[Hyperbelt]] due to her anti-nether beliefs
== Life ==
=== Early Life ===
Sydak was born into the world on November 23, 2021 as the then son of King Random_Person96 of Emeraldia. Her mother has yet to have been determined, although Sydak suspects her to be ethnically Navaskian. At the time of her birth Emeraldia was a very poor and undeveloped nation and Sydak quickly decided to move overseas for better prospects.
=== Time in Goomlandia ===
Attracted to the big city life, Sydak joined the nation of Goomlandia and settled down in Goomtown. She started off her career by launching a the Goomlandian Space Center in Oberos. Her troubles began when Grooge64 and Goomyman77's involvement in MedimaNN's raid against Fianna came into light, causing Fianna to demand [[Goomlandia]] return parts of former Bagelonia to Fianna. This was especially problematic for Sydak as she lived in [[Jaune]], part of the land Fianna demanded be returned. The controversy caused Goomlandia's Leader and Co-leader to abandon the nation, prompting Sydak to run for Leader. The election ended with Sydak losing out to [[Taming Ocelots|Taming_ocelots]], however Sydak was then appointed to the position of Co-leader by Taming. As Co-Leader Sydak set out to set up the trail for Grooge64 and Goomyman77.
It all started to go down hill when [[Kaab]] claimed the [[Voidnest]] region, which set off a chain of events which would lead to Sydak's lowest point. The controversy caused two Goomlandia to leave Goomlandia causing Goomlandia to become overclaimed. Sydak's poor political experience led her to panic and kick Grooge64 and Goomyman77 from the faction hoping it would placate Kaab, although in reality this only led to Goomlandia becoming more overclaimed. At this point Sydak began to panic even more which eventually led her to leaking the Goomlandian Internals in a desperate and foolish to get someone to appreciate her actions.


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