
From Elgeis Minecraft Server Wiki
Revision as of 14:49, 2 February 2020 by (talk) (Geography)
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Polaris is the second nation created by MiksaSerbia. It was founded on the 20nd of January, 2020 and disbanded on exact same day. After a week Miksa formed it again and continued Polaris.


Polaris is located in the far south west corner of Elgeis, on snowy biome. Polaris dont border any nation, being it's totally isolated from the rest of world. The cords of the main city of Polaris are -2857 2953.


Polaris is a monarchy, with the Ice King as leader. Other important roles in the country are: Masters, an order of intellectuals (scholars, healers, and other smart men), Knight of the Pole (a special militia), Builders of the Pole (very skilled builders), and the Warden of the Ice (A politician for Polaris kingdom, an important diplomat). Decisions for a country and other political stuff i being voted between Polarisian citizens.

Polaris is peaceful country with voting system in it, citizens have to vote about all decisions especially important ones. Ice King or other role have to place suggestion on the vote and then citizens and other roles is voting. Every citizen have all rights for their private property, no role can remove or damage their property (Only Ice King or Knights can intervene in case of betrayal). Every new member in the start gets the citizen role, then after some time pass if Ice King see their work and loyalty, citizens can get promoted to higher ranks.


Geography of Polaris is cold,deadly and snow for the rest of the world, but for Polarisians it's perfect. Polaris is covered in Snow and Ice with pretty taiga and frozen river. The Norther part of Polaris is covered with Taiga forest and one village near world border. The Southern part or the nation is perfect for living, without forests but with Coast and much of empty space for citizens. Polaris is not bordering with any nation but east of the MiksaLand (Continent where Polaris is) is Mesadonia2 and further north is TheFreeMen.