Elgeis Minecraft Server Wiki

From Elgeis Minecraft Server Wiki
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Welcome to the Elgeis Minecraft Server wiki! This is a collaborative effort made by anyone on the server who wants to participate in writing down the history of it.

What is Elgeis?

Elgeis Minecraft Server, formerly known as LGSMC, is a semi-private Minecraft server with nearly 200 members. The server is led by GoatWhisperer, who pays for most of the server hosting. FlyingGMM is an admin on both the discord and Minecraft servers.

LGSMC was started on August 30th, 2018, as one of many Minecraft servers hosted for LGS. (LGS is the name of the friend group from which GoatWhisperer, FlyingGMM, AbstractEgg, 06Smg05, and several other members of the server come from.) However, the server died in late September. It was revived in late November by FlyingGMM posting ads in various circles (Facebook groups, Politics and War discord servers, etc.) to try to get new players on the server to revive it. This succeeded, and the server has had a period of great and growing activity ever since. In late November 2019, the server and the world it is set in was renamed to "Elgeis" (still pronounced L-G-S.)

Important links:

Latest activity


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