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Bagelonia is the oldest Eastern nation on the map. It is led by 06Smg05. Fiercely independent, they have remained unaligned with either the Sylvian bloc or the Goomnestian bloc on the world stage. The Bagelonians are not a particularly industrious people-- contrasting with the expansive public works initiatives of Goomnest or Sylvia, Bagelonia's development is almost entirely concentrated in the leader's estate with few works over the rest of the Bagelonian mesa.


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Alignment & Culture

Bagelonia touts a vibrant blend of Western and Eastern culture. As an older nation, it has many sympathies with so-called "old-world" ideas espoused by those in the Western sphere, but as a nation firmly planted in the East their exposure to Eastern culture and close ties with Eastern nations gives them just as much sympathy toward their "new-world" counterparts.

Bagelonia's non-political nature has allowed them to never overtly align themselves with either bloc, but this does not keep both sides from claiming the eclectic nation as one of their own. The traditionalist West claims that Bagelonia's age and historical ties make Bagelonia a culturally Western state as compared to the newer Eastern nations, and cite the wall-building which took place on the Bagelonian border as evidence that Bagelonia considers themselves separate from the Easterners. In addition, they feel that Bagelonia recognizes the West as industrially, economically, and organizationally superior, and would align with the West if push came to shove.

However, the Eastern nations claim that their ties are far closer in the here-and-now, and that Bagelonia has been subjected to imperialism by the West (see HUM Trading Bazaar) which the East, specifically Goomnest, decries vehemently. They believe their constant contact and trade has built a relationship which is stronger than that of the West's, and participates regularly in joint efforts with Bagelonia (such as the construction and maintenance of the Goomnestian Bageltown, named in Bagelonia's honor) which suggests a stronger working relationship.