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Vellyrochemistry is a chemical brewing process that utilizes the same equipment used to brew alcohol in which many elements are created to make potent potions. Currently, there are eleven known vellyrochemicals.


Vellyrochemistry is named after the first element synthesized, Vellyrium. The name Vellyrium comes from the phrase φήελα υρ ρψισ (ov.: vela ur ryis), a phrase literally meaning brewed trash.

Known Chemicals

There are eleven currently known chemicals.

  • Vellyrium
    • Identification number: 1
    • Stability: STABLE
    • Usability: USABLE
    • Vellyric construction formula: diflueromomagamoseu
    • CCS identification: SQ-R:Or
  • Icholemy
    • Identification number: 2
    • Stability: STABLE
    • Usability: USABLE
    • Vellyric construction formula: monychis
    • CCS identification: SQ-R:Or
  • Water
    • Identification number: 3
    • Stability: STABLE
    • Usability: USABLE
    • Vellyric construction formula: N/A
    • CCS identification: SQ-R:Or
  • Dysfalinyde
    • Identification number: 4
    • Stability: UNSTABLE
    • Usability: USABLE
    • Vellyric construction formula: dipowtradivellyrusmonakuus
    • CCS identificaton: NM-B:Al
  • Iron
    • Identification number: 5
    • Stability: STABLE
    • Usability: USABLE
    • Vellyric construction formula: monferus
    • CCS identificaton: SQ-Y:Mt
  • Gold
    • Identification number: 6
    • Stability: STABLE
    • Usability: USABLE
    • Vellyric construction formula: monaugra
    • CCS identificaton: SQ-Y:Mt
  • Andysbin
    • Identification number: 7
    • Stability: DANGER
    • Usability: UNUSABLE
    • Vellyric construction formula: pentycarasdihalykurun
    • CCS identificaton: NM-Y:Mt
  • Infinum
    • Identification number: 8
    • Stability: UNSTABLE
    • Usability: USABLE
    • Vellyric construction formula: dioyo
    • CCS identificaton: NM-O:Un
  • Allym
    • Identification number: 9
    • Stability: STABLE
    • Usability: USABLE
    • Vellyric construction formula: diferusdiaugraquadricarastriretys
    • CCS identificaton: SQ-B:Al
  • Dosbinalchosine
    • Identification number: 10
    • Stability: RADIOACTIVE
    • Usability: USABLE
    • Vellyric construction formula: octyoyotriblarysmonichysheptycarasquadriferus
    • CCS identificaton: NM-R:Or
  • Superandysbin
    • Identification number: 11
    • Stability: STABLE
    • Usability: UNUSABLE
    • Vellyric construction formula: monandisbyndipowtra
    • CCS identificaton: SQ-Y:Mt
andysbin block
The elemental block of Andysbin (caras allys)

Chemical Identification

Chemicals are identified by seven key factors, displayed on their "elemental block": their name, ID number, Vellyric construction, their stability, usability, character, and Color Coded Synthesis identification.


The name given to the chemical. This name is arbitrary, but is one of the most useful identification methods.

ID number

Also an arbitrary identification method that is useful.

Vellyric construction

Probably the most complicated identification method. Vellyric construction is the list of ingredients that go into making the chemical. Some do not have ingredients and are themselves a chemical ingredient. Element 7 Andysbin has the Vellyric construction pentycaras dihalykurun, which when broken up can be read as penty caras di halykurun, which means five diamond two emerald. The prefix of each ingredient determines the count.

Prefix Meaning
mo- / mon- one
di- two
tri- three
quadri- four
penty- five
hexy- six
hepty- seven
octy- eight
nonti- nine
decy- ten

Ingredients are translated into "ingredient notation", a shorthand way to identify ingredients. They trace back to either Overworld Common, Vinduach or Mantrosikin terms. For instance, the word "caras" comes from the Vinduach word "karburos", meaning diamond, the word "powtra" comes from the OC "powder", for gunpowder, and "halykurun" comes from the Mantrosikin word "kurun", meaning green.


Stability is not as much of an identification feature as others, but rather a way to determine harm on consumption. Stability is identified in four ways: stable, unstable, danger, and radioactive. Stable means that the element does not harm the consumer in any way. Unstable means it will harm the consumer immensely either by directly harming them or inflicting them with negative effects, and Danger will kill the consumer. A radioactive element will continuously damage the consumer for an extensive period of time.


Usability simply determines whether a chemical can be made into compounds or not. However, currently, there are no known compounds.


The character is the largest thing displayed on an elemental block, and is composed of one to two letters, usually the first two letters of the chemical's Ingredient Notation translation. For instance, while Iron's first two letters are Ir, its character is Fe, since its IN translation is ferus. This rule is sometimes broken, however. Instances are V for Vellyrium and A for Allym.

Color Coded Synthesis identification

Color Coded Syntesis ID, while it may look complicated, is extremely simple. It is used to help find an elemental block faster. It follows the format of Location-Color:Material. Examples are SQ-R:Or and NM-B:Al. The letters SQ stand for "square", meaning that the material representation color can be found on the square of the block. NM means it can be found on the ID number. Most of the time, SQ is paired with a stability of STABLE and NM can be paired with a stability of UNSTABLE, DANGER or RADIOACTIVE. This is because when an element is UNSTABLE, its square is orange, when it is DANGER, it is red, and when it is RADIOACTIVE, it is green. Therefore, the color is placed on the ID number instead, to represent the material.

The Color of the actual block, whether it is located on the SQ or NM, determines the material. When an element is a light red, it is organic. When an element is a light yellow, it is metallic. When light blue, it is an alloy. When the SQ is orange, red, or green it means the element is UNSTABLE, DANGER, or RADIOACTIVE respectively. The danger indicator always comes before the material.

Sometimes, CCS can be written with just the color SQ-R or material SQ-Or, but its full correct form includes both.


No compounds have been discovered.