Union of Allied Countries: Difference between revisions

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Elaborated on the council system
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The Union of Allied Countries, or U.A.C., is a federation of four member nations: the Armed Republic Of Franadia (ARF), the Federal Republic Of Japrussia (FRJ), the United Sovereign States Of Amerinc (USSA), and the United States Of Gremerica (USG).
The Leaders of the member nationsstates are part of a national council that makes group decisions on issues involving all members. One person on the council serves as the council leader, who holds the position for four years. The current council leader is bigboytrain360. The council leader is the head of the UAC, however the leader only receives one vote on the council.
Although the member nationsstates work together to handle more national issues, the nationsstates are run separately by their respective leaders with little U.A.C. interference. The leaders of the nations are:
* Desert_Dweller, Leader of the ARF
* narcotraffick, Leader of the FRJ