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'''Note: Thethe correct title of this articlepage should be "Pawnch_", but Fandom does not allow special characters inare pagenot titlesallowed.'''{{Infobox_character|name = Pawnch_|image = Pawnch.png|imagecaption = |affiliation = Championis (current)|birthDate = 05/17/2020}}
{{Infobox_character|name = Pawnch_|image = Pawnch.png|imagecaption = |affiliation = Championis (current)|birthDate = 05/17/2020}}
Pawnch_ joined the server after a conversation with awesome_ketchup (aka Disho), [[mejackmac]], and warthunder18 for a after he was invited to a zoom birthday party for Disho. When the server was mentioned as a possible place to play Minecraft for the e-party and everyone suddenly acted like nothing had been said (as Pawnch was oblivous to the server's existence at the time), led him to search for the server and stumble accross its wiki. Upon joining, he refused to join a country, instead inhabiting in an area in the Wilderness, particulary unclaimed land between [[Vailan]] and [[Kovska]]. He intended to make some basic structures to found his own country and surprise everyone who had kept telling him to found a country, but [[MiksaSerbia]] discovered and publicized his buildings on the dynamap about a month and a half later. He then declared statehood and formed the nation of [[Championis]]. He is most well known for being unable to join the server due to technical issues for months, his rare Rum van Winkle rum which had been aging during that time, and being robbed by [[Caracalistan]] during the [[Jugoslav-Caracali War]].[[Category:Players]]