Order of Icedale: Difference between revisions

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* From [[The Water Boys]], [[Rhinosaurus]] (conscripted at bowpoint by GoatWhisperer).
As a military order whose sole mission was unprovoked military action, the Order of Icedale was a very controversial group. However, since a majority of the states in the world at this point played some part in the Crusade, there was no international action against the Order to speak of.
[[File:Fight2018-09-14 20.53.09.png|thumbalt=|244x244pxthumb|An image of a battle between the Order and Rhett. It depicts religious hostility and a death of a Rhett by FlyingGMM]]
Grandmaster [[erjan101]] was petitioned by the [[Prosperity League]] to call a second Crusade against the [[South Sea Coalition]], but the request was declined owing to Icedale's desire of neutrality in the conflict.