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Marriages are a function of Elgeis which allows two players to become betrothed. The nation affiliations below are all from the date of marriage, not current.
{| class="sortable"
All current such relationships are listed below:
!class="unsortable" |Partner 1
*[[hongstoes]] of [[ToeGANG]] and [[ongstoes]] of [[ToeGANG]], wed May 27, 2019
!class="unsortable" |Nation
*[[06Smg05]] of [[Bagelonia]] and [[Carpo_Diem]] of [[Goomlandia]], wed May 31, 2019
!class="unsortable" |Partner 2
*[[Abstacious]] of [[Montrose]] and [[argetlam04]] of [[Montrose]], wed June 2, 2019
!class="unsortable" |Nation
*[[FlyingGMM]] of [[Montrose]] and [[Juzomi]] of [[Montrose]], engaged (SEPERATED)
!Marriage Date
*[[ClapYoThighs]] of [[HUM]] and [[GoatWhisperer]] of [[HUM]], engaged
*[[MedimaNN]] of [[Vanskovich]] and [[Scampo12]] of [[Lucagrad]], wed July 12, 2019, [[Scampo12]] is a widower as of August 27, 2020
* [[Magos_Aspace]] of [[Vailan]] and [[vetous]] of [[Vailan]], wed July 28, 2019, [[Magos_Aspace]] is a widower as of January 20, 2020
*[[CosCus]] of [[Vailan]] and [[Flashy10]] of [[Vailan]], wed July 29, 2019 (SEPERATED)
*[[GoatWhisperer]] of [[HUM]] and [[Stimkies]] of [[Montrose]], wed July 30, 2019 (SEPARATED)
*[[Buckman_62]] of [[Vailan]] and [[Flashy10]] of [[Vailan]], wed August 2, 2019 (SEPERATED)
*[[Cimcimmy]] of [[Kovska]] and [[HugeMoistNameJef]] of [[Kovska]], wed November 27, 2019, HugeMoistNameJef is a widower as of
*[[CactusLicker]] of [[Progeria]] and [[Keetsu]] of [[Progeria]], wed December 4, 2019 (SEPERATED)
*[[BenDrawsBadly]] of [[Yugoslavia]] and [[Karlay_With_A_K]] of [[Yugoslavia]], wed December 8, 2019 (SEPERATED)
*[[goomyman77]] of [[Goomlandia]] and [[MiksaSerbia]] of [[Vailan]], wed December 8, 2019, goomyman77 is a widower as of August 25, 2020
*[[_EightZero_]] of [[Aomi]] and [[FlyingGMM]] of [[Montrose]], wed December 15, 2019
*[[BenDrawsBadly]] of [[Yugoslavia]] and [[LFT_SYNK]] of [[Yugoslavia]], wed December 15, 2019 (SEPERATED)
*[[DoctorProck]] of [[Goomlandia]] and [[Zenythynx]] of [[Goomlandia]], wed December 15, 2019 (SEPERATED)
*[[Karlay_With_A_K]] of [[Yugoslavia]] and [[LFT_SYNK]] of [[Yugoslavia]], wed December 15, 2019 (SEPERATED)
* [[bantam_BATman]] of [[Hightower]] and [[Curtiewormz]] of [[Hightower]], wed December 18, 2019
* [[Flashy10]] of [[Vailan]] and [[TheLemonZest]] of [[Vailan]], wed December 20, 2019, [[TheLemonZest]] is a widower as of January 7, 2021
* [[wisteriablossoms]] of [[Montrose]] and [[Zenythynx]] of [[Goomlandia]], wed December 22, 2019
* [[ghostman0111]] of [[Kovska]] and [[HugeMoistNameJef]] of [[Kovska]], wed December 26, 2019 (SEPERATED)
* [[HugeMoistNameJef]] of [[Kovska]] and [[stargourdian]] of [[Kovska]], wed December 26, 2019
*[[fbia34]] of [[HUM]] and [[Grooge64]] of [[Goomlandia]], engaged January 6, 2019 (SEPERATED)
*[[cherryAdvocate]] of [[Goomlandia]] and [[DoctorProck]] of [[Goomlandia]], wed January 19, 2020
*[[DreamsofViolet]] of [[Vailan]] and [[Magos_Aspace]] of [[Vailan]], wed April 16, 2020
*[[Chipt I]] of [[Montrose]] and [[Littlest15]] of [[Rhett]], wed April 24, 2020 (SEPERATED)
*[[Doctor_Hound]] of [[Fianna]] and [[thepolg]] of [[Schevakia]], wed June 10, 2020
*[[Grooge69]] of [[Montrose]] and [[tagtag]] of [[Montrose]], wed July 13, 2020 (SEPERATED)
* [[Chipt I]] of [[Jugoslavija]] and [[tagtag]] of [[Montrose]], wed August 2, 2020 (SEPERATED)
* [[ArcherAce]] of [[Farnough]] and [[Banksy007]] of [[FELN]], wed August 15, 2020
* [[Grooge64]] of [[Goomlandia]] and [[StonkseleksI]] of [[Goomlandia]], wed August 27, 2020
* [[MikskullDanys]] of [[Montrose]] and [[tagtag]] of [[Montrose]], wed September 30, 2020
* [[Chipt I]] of [[Jugoslavija]] and [[Sunflame1155]] of [[Montrose]], wed October 6, 2020, [[Sunflame1155]] is a widower as of February 9, 2021
* [[ProjectHoplite]] of [[Caracalistan]] and [[WorkablePuffin]] of [[Caracalistan]], wed November 26, 2020 (SEPERATED)
*[[coblue]] of [[kaab]] and [[fbia34]] of [[HUM]], wed December 21, 2020, [[coblue]] is a widower as of February 3, 2021
*[[FinFaux]] of [[Goomlandia]] and [[Terranelm]] of [[Sylthiem]], engaged 1/xx/2021
*[[0kej]] of [[Wohlstand]] and [[HALF_LIE_34427]] of [[Wohlstand]], wed 1/xx/2021 (SEPERATED)
* [[camaradultudor]] of [[Vastilis]] and [[WorkablePuffin]] of [[Vastilis]], wed February 15, 2021 (SEPERATED)
* [[Borg_Minion]] of [[Sylthiem]] and [[Chipt II]] of [[Sylthiem]], wed February 20, 2021
* [[goosejuic3]] of [[Sylthiem]] and [[Habit_Cat]] of [[Sylthiem]], wed March 10, 2021 (SEPERATED)
*[[DeathPercent]] of [[Montrose]] and [[Endossi]] of [[Montrose]], wed March 17, 2021 (SEPERATED)
* [[Habit_Cat]] of [[Syltheim]] and [[MaddHtR08]] of [[Montrose]], wed March 19, 2021 (SEPERATED)
* [[Endossi]] of [[Montrose]] and [[goosejuic3]] of [[Syltheim]], wed March xx, 2021 (SEPERATED)
* [[camaradultudor]] of [[Wooklandia]] and [[MTJNC]] of [[Montrose]], wed April 1, 2021 (SEPERATED)
* [[camaradultudor]] of [[Montrose]] and [[0kej]] of [[Wohlstand]], wed April 19, 2021 (SEPERATED)
* [[Captin_Roman]] of [[Goomlandia]] and [[coblue]] of [[Kaab]], wed May 14, 2021 (SEPERATED)
* [[Captin Roman|Captin]]_[[Captin Roman|Roman]] of [[Goomlandia]] and [[coblue]] of [[Kaab]], wed June 3, 2021 (SEPERATED)
* [[Captin Roman|Captin]]_[[Captin Roman|Roman]] of [[Goomlandia]] and [[coblue]] of [[Kaab]], wed June 6, 2021
*[[DeathPercent]] of [[FauxFord]] and [[Endossi]] of [[Bardum]], wed June 7, 2021
*[[pdln]] of [[Syltheim]] and [[Pec_kle]] of [[Wohlstand]], wed June 25, 2021