Main District of Wind

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mdw flag
The official flag of the Main District of Wind

The Main District of Wind (MDW) is a defunct state that was the primary district of two districts, as well as the capital district of Wind and home to the capital of Wind (Central Zone) as well as its governmental offices.

The former Estateholder of Wind was Cocos2D.


Zones are essentially smaller territories within the MDW. There are six zones within the MDW, each with a designated purpose. All zones are ruled under one government official based in Central Zone, holding the title of Estateholder of Wind.

mdw map
The official zone map of the Main District of Wind

The Estateholder also rules Windiya, the minor district of Wind.

Central Zone

Central Zone, the highest ranked zone of the MDW, is the capital of Wind (as well as the MDW), and is home to the governmental offices that help run the MDW. All official and government-related business takes place in the Central Zone.

Central Zone is identified as MDWCZ. On the zone map of the MDW, it is identified by a royal purple color. It borders East Zone, Southbirch, Governmental Residence, and Lake of the Deities.

Central Zone is home to the Floating Trees Anomaly.


Southbirch is the second highest ranked zone of the MDW, behind Central Zone. It is the biggest zone in terms of area and it covers the entire spruce forest of the MDW. Southbirch is the commercial zone of the MDW where trade, temporary residence, product production, and stock storage is handled.

Southbirch is identified as MDWDS. On the zone map of the MDW, it is identified by a dark peachy color. It borders Lake of the Deities, East Zone, and Central Zone.

Southbirch, despite its name, does not have any birch trees. It is believed that it was a cartography mistake that led to the misnomer, however this is not verified.

East Zone

East Zone is the third highest ranked zone of the MDW. It is the main residential area of the MDW and permanently houses non-governmental residents. It is the only zone to have two sections which do not border each other. Its secondary section is West Island.

East Zone is identified as MDWZE. On the zone map of the MDW, it is identified by a slightly-darker-than-lime green color. It borders Southbirch, Central Zone and Governmental Residence.

Governmental Residence

Governmental Residence is the third lowest ranked zone of the MDW. It is the only zone that does not allow any authorized construction, and is the only zone where it is illegal to enter any building.

Governmental Residence is identified as MDWGR. On the zone map of the MDW, it is identified by a dark cyan color. It borders Fisherman's River, Lake of the Deities, East Zone, and Central Zone.

Governmental Residence is the residential zone of the Estateholder.

Lake of the Deities

Lake of the Deities is the second lowest ranked zone of the MDW. It is an untouched zone where it is believed Dubon, the lesser deity of Djutar resides.

Lake of the Deities is identified as MDWLD. On the zone map of the MDW, it is identified by a turquoise-mint color. It borders Fisherman's River, West Island, Governmental Residence, Southbirch and Central Zone. If West Island were to be fully classified as East Zone, Lake of the Deities would be the only zone to border all 5 zones.

Fisherman's River

Fisherman's River is the lowest ranked zone of the MDW. It is barely considered a zone and is the smallest zone in terms of area and is the only zone where it is legal to fish.

Fisherman's River is identified as MDWAP. On the zone map of the MDW, it is identified by a sky blue color. It borders Lake of the Deities and Governmental Residence.