Hojian Ajust

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Hojian Ajust is a sect or school of the native Montrosian religion, Ajust, practiced primarily within southern Montrose. Religious sites can be found in the Whispering Forest and the Beauwille Plains. So far most Hojian Ajust religious tradition remains oral or untranslated. Worship takes place in shrines and wilderness.


“Hojian Ajust,” Mantrosikin for Eternal Ajust or Eternal Reverence, denotes the general movement within the Montrosian native religion of Ajust, often denominated as a sect or school, which professes belief in a monotheistic supreme being, tends to personify forces of nature as spirits, synthesizes local practices and beliefs, and places a strong emphasis on “righteousness” as an aspect of Ajust.

While the line between the two schools is not entirely clear, the term “Hojian Ajust” was adopted in reaction to the formal definition of the “Hertian” (“Fundamentalist”) Ajust sect on 6 June 2024.



Supreme Being

Adherents of Hojian Ajust acknowledge an omnipotent creator god, often called Suhnter Areguzoj, who not only created all things, but permeates and sustains creation.


Veneration of Nature
