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=== Founding and Early History ===
Hightower was founded by [[VintageBacon_]] on October 19, 2019. On the same day, foreign aid was provided by [[Lucagrad]] to help make the fledgling nation food-secure. During this time, various small holdings were created throughout the territory. Little, if anything, is known about what caused the collapse of the original Hightower, but by November 10, 2019 the country was declared defunct by the international community.[[File:Minecraft banner 13b84d3dx1y3o.png|thumb|240x240px|The Hightower Banner|left]]
=== Revival and Reconstruction ===
On November 16, 2019, [[bantam_BATman]] joined the server and elected to revive the country of Hightower. In the following one to two weeks, the country saw the beginning of major physical and political reconstruction. A number of important events took place, further establishing a bigger future as a country for Hightower. More members joined, borders were expanded due to a free cession from [[Ilyria]], alliances were forged with the [[Grove Tribe]] and Ilyria, a non-aggression pact was signed with [[Nyania]], and the Constitution of Hightower was written. By the end of November 2019, Hightower officially joined the [[Northern Alliance]].
=== The Incorporation of Seicho ===
