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== Overview: ==
Hightower is a country that is located in the Northeast of the map. It is a relatively new nation, though there is an older iteration of it which no longer exists. The name and borders of the country have been reestablished by different players and a new government has been formed. The government is a direct democracy with the founding principles of kindness, neutrality, and self-sufficiency. Foreign policy is centered around diplomacy and being neutral in conflicts so as to act as a third party that can host peace talks. Domestic policy is centered around individual rights, encouraging citizens to build up their own areas as they see fit. New members are welcome, though such matters are determined by a vote.
== Values: ==
Hightower was originally created with three core values in mind:
# Kindness: The people of Hightower should strive to be kind to all those that they meet. We treat everyone with respect, whether they are part of our country or not, even if they may not deserve it. As such our goal is to spread goodwill through both words and actions.
# Neutrality: The people of Hightower should strive to remain neutral in all conflict. By doing this the country hopes to be able to act as a host for peace talks and negotiations between other nations. That said, we will do our utmost to defend our allies should we determine they have been unjustly attacked.
# Self-sufficiency: The people of Hightower should strive to be able to provide all necessary resources for themselves. Doing this is meant to help build a sense of unity and cooperation among our citizens. This is not meant to discourage trade in any way with other nations, in fact it is encouraged as a means to foster good relations with other nations as well.
== Government: ==