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{{Infobox_country|title1 = Grove Tribe|image1 = GTLayout 2020GTLayout_2023-0401-2523.PNG|caption1 = Grove Tribe's territories as of 20202023-0401-2523.|leader_title = <nowiki>Shaman | Earthseer | Hratú't</nowiki>|leader = CreeperColder (diplomatic)|inhabitant(s) = CreeperColder, Weothyr, BurningRainbow|founder(s) = CreeperColder|row6 = Brown, Reddishthe Brown, Red, Yellow, White|allies = [[Goomlandia]], [[Hightower]], [[Sylvian Union|Sylvia]], [[Vailan]]|capital = [[Héhéħenif]]|national_adjective = <nowiki>Informal: Grovian | Grove | Grove Tribe</nowiki>Earthseer;
• Weothyr, the Druid;
• BurningRainbow, the Wildkin (inactive)|founder(s) = CreeperColder|row6 = Brown, Reddish Brown, Red, Yellow, White|allies = [[Goomlandia]], [[Hightower]], [[Montrose]], [[Vailan]]|capital = [[Grove Village]] (Historical and Religious)
[[Grand Mesa]] (Political, Social and Economic)|national_adjective = <nowiki>Informal: Grovian | Grove | Grove Tribe</nowiki>
Formal: Hrãggistt}}
== Overview ==
[[File:Banner.PNG|thumb|267x267px|The main banner of the Grove Tribe.]]
The Grove Tribe is a nation located in the mesa in the eastern part of the map. It is populated by a people who call themselves Hrãggistt, but due to their main settlement being hidden away in a distinctive grove on the mesa, they are mostly referred to as the Grove Tribe. The tribe is friendly to outsiders, but holds its spiritual practices in high regard and demands visitors take care not to anger the nature when in the tribal nation.
== Geography & Territory ==
Despite being located in a mesa, the geographical features of the nation are very diverse, with small forests, waterfalls, rivers and lakes all around.
[[File:Grove Tribe Regions.png|thumb|333x333px|Region map of the Grove Tribe from December 2020|alt=]]
[[File:2020-04-27 16.17.05.png|none|thumb|321x321px|The diverse landscape of Grove Tribe.]]
The Grove Tribe has fivesix main settlements:
# [[Grove Village]] (''Héhéħenif''), alsothe actinghistorical asand religious capital of the nation's capital;
# [[Grand Mesa]] (''Grãdmeysa''), the political, social and economic capital of the nation;
# [[Carrot Village]] (''Eħrahibbita'');
# [[World Tree|The World Tree]] (''Harahráħenúħ''), a place of great importance for the people of the Grove Tribe;
# [[Amber Island]] (''Seriyetu'');.
# [[Grand MesaSeahill]] (Grãdmeysa''D<u>j</u>árusbita'').
[[File:Variant-Banner-GT.PNG|thumb|267x267px|A variant banner of the Grove Tribe, mimicking the mesa's layers.]]
The land borders of the Grove Tribe's territories are marked by the so-called ''smoking totems'', which serve both to greet and warn visitors as well as fulfilling a religious purpose.
[[File:GT 2020-04-26.png|none|thumb|386x386px|A map of the nation's territories as of April 26th, 2020. Countries in a green hue are Grove Tribe's allies.]]
As of April 25th, 2020, Grove Tribe has three neighbours: [[Goomlandia]] to the West, [[Kovska]] and [[Hightower]] to the Northeast. Grove Tribe considers four states as their allies - the [[Sylvian Union]], [[Vailan]], as well as the aforementioned states of Hightower and Goomlandia.
The people of the Grove Tribe do not wish to involve themselves with pointless geopolitical disagreements due to the pacifist nature of its people, but will protect their lands profusely if the need arises.
== Culture ==
''Main article: [[Grove Tribe religion]]''[[File:2019-09-18 13.17.15.png|thumb|300x300px243x243px|One of the tribe's altars, where they bring offerings to goodly spirits.|leftalt=]]
The Grove Tribe is a seemingly primitive people, with little to show in regards to architectural achievements or technology. They are deeply religious, with most of their religion being concerned with different elemental spirits. They take care not to anger any forces of nature and always seek to take the course of action that would appease their deities. The folk seem to have a particular affinity for spirits of the Earth, who are regarded as ancestors and protectors of the tribe.
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== Government ==
As a tribe, the Earthwalkers rely on customs and traditions, especially religious ones, to guide their everyday behaviour and judgement. This is in contrast to many more "civilised" societies on the server, which instead have codexed written laws and organised court systems. In the Grove Tribe, however, when anyone - be it outsider or tribesman - is believed to have gone against the community's ways, the whole tribe assembles to discuss the verdict, with more respected and knowledgeable members using their wisdom, good judgement and knowledge of precedent to ultimately decide the wrongdoer's fate. The maintenance of harmony is priority, and if the individual is unwilling to take responsibility for the crime themselves, they will usually be exiled rather than forced to conform to a society they don't wish to belong to.
Grove Tribe has several positions of authority, but none are inherently more important or powerful than anyone else; some people are merely considered to be more qualified for certain tasks than others, but that does not mean they have power over the Tribe, for all Tribesfolk are seen as inherently equal. Currently, the Earthseer (whose inherent purview is communication with the spirits and lorekeeping) represents the tribe for the outside world, as they are the most active member; however, for example, in the matter of building, the Earthseer would usually agree with whatever the Druid says, for the Druid is considered the authority on building; and the Druid would seek consensus with the community instead of forcing his will, which the community grants, since they understand the Druid is more knowledgeable than them in this particular matter.
The most significant figure in the tribe's leadership is the Earthseer (''hratú't''). Earthseers are tasked with communing with the spirits of Earth and the tribe's ancestors. As of such, they have much knowledge from past ages as well as the ability to guide the tribe away from courses that might conflict with its religious sentiment. The Earthseers can thus be seen as the leaders of the tribe, for their wisdom of the spiritual and material world gives their word the greatest weight in the tribal councils. Due to their duty to retain awareness of the world, they are often also the ones to conduct diplomacy with other nations, deepening the flawed outsider understanding of Earthseers being chiefs amongst their people. Notably, the current Earthseer of the Grove Tribe has also gained the mantle of Water Seeker, for his known affinity with spirits of Water in addition to those of Earth.
Another important function in the tribal society is that of the ''ħemuktú't, ''often translated as Druid. Druids learn to connect with the spirits of Growth and Construction, and are tasked with expanding the tribe's settlements and groves to help sustain and empower the tribe. They often have strong creative vision when it comes to building. Although they prefer to spend their time constructing new houses or planting lush forests, leading to them being more absent from the management of the tribe's other affairs, Druids hold sway over the development and usage of the tribal lands.
A third respected voice in the community is that of the ''maritú't ''or Wildkin. The Wildkin are hunters and gatherers, their task being to oversee the tribe's provisioning and food reserves. They are known to have a special bond with animals and villagers, and thus make excellent managers of livestock and seekers of prey. Although they rarely take part in the decisionmaking regarding other aspects of tribal life, their word is law when it comes to the tribe's plants and livestock, and woe betide those who invoke the wroth of a Wildkin by daring to harm or harass their precious animal companions.
== History ==
The tribe first made contact with outsiders in early autumn 2019, when their first village was discovered near the areas then belonging to the nations of [[Richard]], [[New Mesa]] and [[Goomlandia]]. As the political landscape in the area was rather uncertain at that time, the nations of the mesa region gathered in a convention to establish their borders, a gathering to which the tribe was invited. The tribe's borders were then agreed upon and the first Smoking Totems were built to mark them. To secure their position, an alliance was also formed with Goomlandia and Sylvia, the first two major nations to acknowledge the tribe.
Thereafter, the Earthwalkers led a quiet life, mainly expanding their village to suit the growing community's needs. At one point, the tribe became upset with the huge Goomlandian Nether portal gold farm near their borders, as they believed nether magics to be insidious and evil. They offered to buy the land and an agreement was reached wherein some land was exchanged and the tribe deconstructed the portal. To cleanse the land, in its place was planted a seed that would later become [[World Tree|The World Tree]].
Some time later, Earthseer CreeperColder aided in the planning of the [[Crusade]] against the Northern Alliance, wrongly believing their allies to be at risk. As the Crusaders rapidly fell apart, the shaman was forced to admit that he had acted rashly and had been foolish in trusting the Crusade leaders' ability and judgement. He later paid reparations to Vailan and over time, came to be respected within the Vailic society, eventually leading his people to an alliance with the proud northern nation.
At some point, the nation of New Mesa fell and was replaced by a state ruled by [[MiksaSerbia]], who became a close ally of the tribe. When Miksa's city was attacked and sacked by [[Keetsu]], the Grove Tribe rallied to his side and participated in the events that led to the [[Progerian Massacre]]. As Miksa became disillusioned and left Grand Mesa in the aftermath of the event, the Tribe inherited his northern lands, finally gaining sea access to the south and founding [[Carrot Village]] as their port. As [[Yugoslavia (The Kingdom Of)|Yugoslavia]], who inherited the southern part, eventually collapsed, Grand Mesa came into the hands of Goomlandia. In reparation for a building dispute, the land was then offered to the tribe, who thus came in possession of [[Grand Mesa]] as well as the lands south of it, where they founded the small village of [[Amber Island]].
The later history of the Grove Tribe from 2020 onwards is inherently tied with that of the [[Grove Faith]].
== Language ==
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Not much is known about the Grove Tribe's language, Earthspeech, as they prefer to use Overworld Common, which they seem to be fluent at. Some words, place names and phrases are known, though.
[[Category:Eastern states]]
