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After realizing that effort failed, arget started a charity ideas competition. He told everyone to DM him suggestions for charity ideas, and many people did. Admittedly, most of the ideas were "give diamonds to me/my country" or "give poor people money," both of which arget dismissed as selfish and not in-depth enough respectively. At the end of February, he chose [[MedimaNN]] as the winner with the idea of giving new/poor players a fortune III, efficiency V, unbreaking III, mending diamond pickaxe. arget also announced the opening of the Abimapixsey Memorial Bank, which was the brainchild of him and Abima to start a loan bank. The pickaxe initiative was a success with some new players, and remains operational to this day.
arget expanded his charity once again in early May 2020, announcing that new/poor players could get 10 diamonds off their first transaction in #trade. This was both a way to get rid of diamonds and promote international cooperation. Along with that announcement, he announced that any person, poor or rich, could get free wool from him for cool projects if they need. About a week after this, arget announced another expansion wherein players/nations that have recently set up a villager system could redeem a stack of emerald blocks from him.[[Category:CharactersPlayers]]
