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Every member and non member is entitled to party hard and get drunk under the law
[[Category:Political Parties]]

Latest revision as of 10:25, 15 January 2021


The Vocal Defense League is a political party of Sylthiem, created by Habit_Cat and _kilo_meter_ on January 1st, 2021.

Vocal Defense League Objectives

Weeks ago our nation was founded under the principles of a free and prosperous democracy. This election and the elections to come will decide the future and lay the groundwork for our nation to prosper. I believe in our party being there to lay

that groundwork and working with everyone from every party to achieve.

       The 8 amendments

  1. Freedom of speech
  2. Freedom of Religion
  3. Freedom to a fair trial
  4. Freedom to get piss drunk and party hard
  5. Freedom to life and the pursuit of freedom under the law
  6. Freedom of travel
  7. Freedom to trade
  8. Freedom to private property  

More Specific Laws

  • Armed Neutrality

I believe that our beautiful nation would only hurt to join in needless wars, that's why I push for armed neutrality. Armed neutrality means we keep a military presence but dont push for alliances that bring us into wars with others. We will only attack if attacked. With that I would push for a defensive alliance with jugoslavia as too strengthen our position in the world.

  • The Military

As leader of the country I will push for a complete reorganization of our military into two branches, the Nether Korp and the Civil defense corp. The Nether Korp will act as the official Force of our military and will constantly train in the art of war and keep their strategies up. The civil defense corp will consist of anyone active enough in the server that we can count on for the defense of the Nation.

  • Cultivating Beauty

Our nation is a diamond in the rough. From the outside we give off the appearance of weirdos clinging to gravel but, we know its beauty and must plant trees and protect the natural surroundings from people who might exploit it. That's why I propose a new law requiring that any build that does extensive terraforming passes by the president. I will also push for rules that make it so if you take down a tree you must plant it back.

  • The Give a little act

Sometimes people in our country get down on our luck, that's why i'll make it law that members of sylthiem may borrow items from the government or take them for free if we have it in unused surplus.

  • Free Trade and Communication

Members of sylthiem are entitled to trade and communicate with anyone as it is not done in a way that will hurt sylthiem

  • The Freedom to closure under the law

Every person who commits an act against someone or sylthiem is entitled to a trial where they may prove their innocence or face the consequences of their actions.

  • Freedom to party

Every member and non member is entitled to party hard and get drunk under the law

Historical Iterations of the Parties Objectives

Jan 1st, 2021

For too long has this great nation faltered at the hands of enemies who wish only to seek harm done to our people. Our people are no pushovers, but for too long we have not been connected with our people who occupy the same great country we inhabit. My Policies are as Follows

  • Build up our army in the form of two new branches of the our glorious military
    • The Nether Korp will be used to inflict damage by destroying key points and hunting down individuals of importance. They are not a ordinary force in the military because they act as partisans and damage dealers
    • The Assault Korp will be the backbone of the military and will fight in traditional battle
  • Active Preparedness
    • All farmers will be required to give enough food to walled cities in the case of a siege
    • Donations will be taken to help keep the militaries weapons and armor stocked and ready for war
  • Alliances
    • My party will push for an alliance with the nation to the south of us
    • Every nation we encounter will be met with a question “are you a friend or foe”
  • To survive our nation must grow and for that here is my legislation
    • I will set up a set of guidelines (with help from the community) for anyone who wishes to create a city. This will act as a way to unify everyone under a set of rules the city must follow.
    • We will set up roads to connect all cities in our nation
    • All trade will be encouraged and festered by our openness to others

Jan 10th, 2021

Weeks ago our nation was founded under the principles of a free and prosperous democracy. This election and the elections to come will decide the future and lay the groundwork for our nation to prosper. I believe in our party being there to lay

that groundwork and working with everyone from every party to achieve.

       The 8 amendments

  1. Freedom of speech
  2. Freedom of Religion
  3. Freedom to a fair trial
  4. Freedom to get piss drunk and party hard
  5. Freedom to life and the pursuit of freedom under the law
  6. Freedom of travel
  7. Freedom to trade
  8. Freedom to private property  

More Specific Laws

  • Armed Neutrality

I believe that our beautiful nation would only hurt to join in needless wars, that's why I push for armed neutrality. Armed neutrality means we keep a military presence but dont push for alliances that bring us into wars with others. We will only attack if attacked. With that I would push for a defensive alliance with jugoslavia as too strengthen our position in the world.

  • The Military

As leader of the country I will push for a complete reorganization of our military into two branches, the Nether Korp and the Civil defense corp. The Nether Korp will act as the official Force of our military and will constantly train in the art of war and keep their strategies up. The civil defense corp will consist of anyone active enough in the server that we can count on for the defense of the Nation.

  • Cultivating Beauty

Our nation is a diamond in the rough. From the outside we give off the appearance of weirdos clinging to gravel but, we know its beauty and must plant trees and protect the natural surroundings from people who might exploit it. That's why I propose a new law requiring that any build that does extensive terraforming passes by the president. I will also push for rules that make it so if you take down a tree you must plant it back.

  • The Give a little act

Sometimes people in our country get down on our luck, that's why i'll make it law that members of sylthiem may borrow items from the government or take them for free if we have it in unused surplus.

  • Free Trade and Communication

Members of sylthiem are entitled to trade and communicate with anyone as it is not done in a way that will hurt sylthiem

  • The Freedom to closure under the law

Every person who commits an act against someone or sylthiem is entitled to a trial where they may prove their innocence or face the consequences of their actions.

  • Freedom to party

Every member and non member is entitled to party hard and get drunk under the law