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After the debates, citizens were given a week to vote for their preferred candidates. At the end of this week, the results were declared by [[Borg_Minion]] on January 22nd. [[Habit_Cat]] scored first place, meaning he would become the next Chief Diplomat. [[Terranelm]] received second place, [[pdln]] third, and [[_Racc00nn_]] fourth. [[Terranelm]] spent his last day in discussion with [[Habit_Cat]]. Terranelm transferred control of Sylthiem to [[Habit_Cat]] with his blessing, while the two were in cauldrons brewing apple mead, setting the trend of each term being 32 days long.
=== Habit_Cat's First Term and The [InsertGrove-Jusef war name here]War ===
On February 8, 2021, members of the Grove Faith waged war on the Yusefarian faith, whose followers lived in [[Jugoslavija]]. Grove Faith crusaders swiftly occupied the Jugoslavijan state of Lazarica. Syltheim was wholly unprepared for this, but rushed to defend their newfound allies. A small force consisting of [[Chipt I]], [[Saashin]], [[lognbtw]], and [[Endossi]] was organized the same day to fend off the occupants of Lazarica, a province of [[Jugoslavija]]. Upon arrival, they were countered by [[StonkseleksI]], and later [[CreeperColder]], who killed [[Chipt I]] and [[lognbtw]]. [[Endossi]] and [[Saashin]] dispersed, meaning that the troops of the [[Grove Faith]] had successfully defended the territory they had occupied for themselves.
