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== Overview ==
Sylthiem is a country on the western edge of the world, located north of [[Cascadia]] and south of [[Twiceland]]. It has no major population centers, and has a low population in general. Outside of mythic history, the country was officially declared a nation on December 21, 2020. Sylthiem is currently a direct democracy, with their population making up the legislative branch. The standard of living is low with only a few house-like structures, and most of the population is using a bed nearby the main plaza. Sylthiem is extremely undeveloped, and has little to no economy to speak of.
== Geography ==
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=== Political Parties ===
Sylthiems founder, Terranelm, has expressed that the existence of multiple political parties is something the nation should strive for. Right now, three political parties exist, these would be the Sylt Party, the Green-Top party, and the Vocal Defense League.
=== Elections ===
The elections are going to be run when Sylthiem has enough citizens for votes to meanproperly anythingrepresent the thoughts of the citizen body. Elections will be run using the Alternative Vote method, in order to prevent two-party dominance. In-game ballots will be used for voting, since they were deemed the most secure way of casting votes during discussions on the topic. [[Borg_Minion]] will be countingcounts the votes, and is unable to run for any elected office, despite being a founder of the nation.
=== Foreign relations ===
Sylthiem is neutral, and has little to no influence on world politics. However, some nations have sent aid.
=== Government Finance ===
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== Economy ==
The prospect of exporting gravel has crossed the minds of a few individuals, but this would be difficult to maintain simply due to the fact that it is a non-renewable resource. Other things barring gravel exports are the words of the Sylt Party, who want to keep as much gravel as possible in Sylthiem. Farms will probably be the nations main economic drive, but members of the population have expressed the desirestarted to create breweries, possibly another economic drive.
== Infastructure ==
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-Animal pen Northeast of the Main Plaza
-Cliff tower