Rules and Other Info: Difference between revisions

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'''SimpleRename:''' You can rename items without having to use an anvil or XP. Type [/sr help] in-game to see the commands and what they do.
'''VillagerModifications:''' Allows for custom villager trades to be disabled or their prices changed. Currently, foodvillager itemstrades boughtfor fromfood villagersitems (like soups, cakes, and meat) and glass are disabled, and apples and golden carrots have been made more expensive.
'''Other differences from vanilla MC:'''
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* Elytras are disabled in the overworld.
* Ender chests are disabled.
* Cobblestone can be smelted into gravel, and gravel into sand, all at a blast furnace in a 20-second process each smelt.
== FAQs ==