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On July 31, 2020, MiksaSerbia posted a link to a spinoff server made by a banned player. When it was removed once, he posted it again. This was against the rules-- the admins had told everyone not to post content from banned players or the communities they had set up, much less links to them. When told this was against the rules by Grooge64 and FlyingGMM, he responded "ok fuck you all." He then proceeded to attack Flying's character for refusing to let him post content from banned players, stating:<blockquote>"i refuse to believe that he's my admin... makes me thing why goat even gave you adminship." </blockquote>Flying was, of course, simply carrying out the rule put in place by GoatWhisperer, so this didn't make much sense. However, recognizing Miksa's love for the server and his struggles with impulsive anger, the staff team was lenient in only tempbanning him for two days so he could cool down. Upon his return, he was placed on a zero-tolerance warning for future incidences of toxicity.
Almost a month later, on August 25, 2020, the server adminship received screenshots of MiksaSerbia angrily threatening to make ingamein-game attacks on all the players he didn't like before leaving the server, a flagrant violation of Rule 6. This, atop of a history of prior toxicity incidents for which he had been warned, including racially insensitive jokes, jokes about rape, and general toxicity when upset, finally caused staff to permanently ban him.