Goomyman77: Difference between revisions

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== Early Life ==
Goomy was born in the modern-day Caserne region of Goomtown. He immigrated to HUM at a young age to study architecture and politics, but failed out of the first subject and got into frequent arguments with his teachers on the second over deep-seated disagreements in principle. Goomy, in his more rebellious years, developed a belief that the HUMmian school system was out of touch with the current political reality and dropped out of school there to move back to the Goomtown woods. There, he joined his younger brother Disho who had stayed in the region and together they established the fledgling nation of Goomlandia, but for differering reasons. Disho's motives were to build the nation into a materially rich state and to gain an opportunity to work together with Goomy. Goomy's motives were to build the nation into a populous, developed, and diplomatically powerful state and eventually take over a large swath of the world in order to spread his then-controversial political ideas in opposition to the idealspredominant heWestern hadideas been taught inat the Western school systemtime. As such, he became a politician at the nation's founding.
== Foreign Policy ==
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== Domestic Policy ==
Goomy, for the first halfpart of his career, epoused autocracy as the ultimate form of government (mainly due to his love of power) and frequently befriended dictatorial nations. His domestic-policy brainchild during the existence of [[Goomnest]] was the [[Goomnestian Job Program]], a system aiming to give an occupation to every Goomnester, develop the nation, and to provide resources for the treasury/warchest. Goomy is personally responsible for about 80% of the development in modern-day Goomlandia, having what some have described as a "chronic building obsession"-- he enjoys urbanizing, even if it means creating pointless empty buildings at times. He later gradually became accustomed to democratic ideals and is presently a staunch defender of extremely simplified direct democracy; with as little organization and documentation as possible. Goomy also considered national culture to be an important aspect of the nation, and the creation of the Goomlandian GC facilitated this.
== As Mayor of Goomtown ==
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== Personal Life ==
Goomy enjoys building, dueling, adventuring with his Goomlandian and foreign comrades, writing speeches, debating, mapmaking, scheming, and planning out developments. He currently lives in [[East Goomtown]], neighboring [[Brokate]], [[Zenythynx]], and [[fitemeforanapple]], and also has a vacation house on [[Loinami Isle]] and in the Hunger Games town of [[Encre]]. He was married to [[MiksaSerbia]] unofficially for several months (originally to secure strong ties with Vailan) before the Goomlandian government certified the marriage, and for several months after that. As time went on this became a more and more controversial marriage and Goomy himself began to have doubts about it until the sudden death (ban) of Miksa in his retirement village of Llyendor. His family is now composed of his twin sister ([[Rosewood_]]), his brother Holy_Shrimp, and his brother Disho; Disho lives in the [[Soleil Islands]] and, Rosewood_ lives in Goomtown next to Goomy, and Holy_Shrimp also lives in Goomtown, in the aquatic neighborhood of Corbeau.[[Category:Players]]
