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== Overview ==
Free The End is the name for the conflict between [[BadhorsieJake]] and the [[Kingdom of Vailan]] over open access to the End Portal by all countries.
== History ==
The issue began as Vailan set out to discover the End Portal, and once discovering it and realizing it laid within unclaimed territory, claimed the portal for themselves and closed it off to the rest of the world. No non-Vailanders could enter or leave the End except by Vailan's invitation. Most nations disagreed with this, but none were particularly driven to take action.
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BadhorsieJake's sentence was negotiated to a night in jail and having to obtain 3 stacks of nether quartz blocks and 5 stacks of spruce logs. Even the defendant felt this wasn't enough, but didn't agrue more. BadhorsieJake obtained those items and was free from Vailan custody. Later BadhorsieJake rejoined Sylvia, but GoatWhisperer continues to reside on the mushroom island he named "Goatwear Island".