Compendium of Server History (Text): Difference between revisions

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==== Various Developments ====
[[Erjan101]] announced his resignation from the server a day later on February 10th, officially due to [[HUM]] having conducted “vigilante interventionism” but suspected as being a result of Tsarevets’ burning. [[Dinoking93]] also announced that he was leaving due to unrelated reasons. Around this time, construction of [[Bageltown]], a city in [[Goomlandia]], commenced.
Around this time, construction of [[Bageltown]], a city in [[Goomlandia]], commenced.
On February 17th, on a weekend Model UN trip, [[FlyingGMM]] invited [[argetlam04]] to the server, who joined [[Montrose]]. When he got home that night, [[FlyingGMM]] found that all of his animals had been killed in his absence. When he began asking the discord who did so, [[_EightZero_]], a citizen of Voidnest, admitted to it, and claimed little motive other than sheer malice. In response, FlyingGMM trapped him in the newly-built [[Fort Graham]] prison (which was a great deal more secure than the one pizzaswithbone had been kept in) until a trial could be held. The reparations demanded by FlyingGMM were rather lenient given the nature of the crime, and amounted to Eight_Zero replacing all the slaughtered livestock. During the whole debacle, goomyman77 lobbied heavily for Eight_Zero’s release, despite them not being in the same faction and goomyman77 having no official authority over Eight_Zero. This was an early example of the “eastern unity” that preceded Goomnest’s founding a day later.
On February 17th, on a weekend Model UN trip, [[FlyingGMM]] invited [[argetlam04]] to the server, who joined [[Montrose]].
Later that day, Pirka joined the server from a Facebook ad put out by FlyingGMM. He invited AnMadadhRua the next day, and they settled in the swamps to the southwest of Montrose. They founded Riochtai na nGael, roughly translating to “Country of the Irish” and was usually abbreviated as RnanG. It was made exclusively of Irish speakers, all actually Irish except for Pirka, who was an American who spoke the language. They settled in the lands to the south of the SU, including the ruins of BiteZaDusto4901’s house. Three of them joined in total. 
On February 17th, on a weekend Model UN trip, [[FlyingGMM]] invited [[argetlam04]] to the server, who joined [[Montrose]]. When he got home that night, [[FlyingGMM]] found that all of his animals had been killed in his absence. When he began asking the discord who did so, [[_EightZero_]], a citizen of [[Voidnest]], admitted to it, and claimed little motive other than sheer malice. In response, FlyingGMM trapped him in the newly-built [[Fort Graham]] prison (which was a great deal more secure than the one [[pizzaswithbone]] had been kept in) until a trial could be held. The reparations demanded by FlyingGMM were rather lenient given the nature of the crime, and amounted to Eight_Zero_EightZero_ replacing all the slaughtered livestock. During the whole debacle, [[goomyman77]] lobbied heavily for Eight_Zero’s_EightZero_’s release, despite them not being in the same faction and goomyman77 having no official authority over Eight_Zero_EightZero_. This was an early example of the “eastern unity” that preceded [[Goomnest|Goomnest’s]] founding a day later.
Later that day, Pirka joined the server from a Facebook ad put out by FlyingGMM. He invited [[AnMadadhRua]] the next day, and they settled in the swamps to the southwest of [[Montrose]]. They founded [[Riochtai na nGael]], roughly translating to “Country of the Irish” and was usually abbreviated as RnanG. It was made exclusively of Irish speakers, all actually Irish except for Pirka, who was an American who spoke the language. They settled in the lands to the south of the SU, including the ruins of BiteZaDusto4901’s house. Three of them joined in total.'''<nowiki/>''' 
== The Unification Period ==
The Unification Period was characterized by the merging of several of the factions on the server. Initially, [[Goomnest]], a combination of [[Goomlandia]] and [[Voidnest]] was formed, and a few weeks later the [[Sylvian Union]] was formed from [[HUM]], [[Rhett]], and [[Montrose]]. Both of these factions commanded massive amounts of faction power (at least 100 at their lowest), more than any other faction had ever before. It lasted from February 18th with the creation of Goomnest, to May 14th with its[Goomnest]'s dissolution. Virtually every state outside of Goomnest or the Sylvian Union picked a particular superpower to align itself with, such that once again the entire server was fractured along two lines.
Due to the nationalistic nature of the unifications, the nationalistic differences between the east and west continued to contrast with each other and became institutionalized. Throughout this period, there were many verbal hostilities between both sides, although war never occurred between the two powers. In fact, the Unification Period was one of the most politically stable periods in server history.
=== Formation of Goomnest ===
[[Goomnest]] completely unified the two nations of [[Goomlandia]] and [[Voidnest]]. They were culturally very close (the comprising nations mostly consisting of people from the same friend group), and this sped along the unification. A diarchy was formed, with [[goomyman77]] presiding over the Goomlandia part and [[PlasmaMintz]] presiding over the Voidnest part, and both conferring with each other on national decisions.
=== Formation of the Sylvian Union ===
As for the [[Sylvian Union]], founded on February 24th, the process was slightly more shaky. This was due to the long independent history held by each state involved, contrasting government models, and overall apprehensions. The creation of the Sylvian Union was delayed for around a week before it was formally founded, as kinks in government were worked out.
The government model of the Sylvian Union was heavily decentralized with no member nation or even individual holding “superiority”, exceedingly rare even in the most democratic nations both in the world and previously on the server. This made it very attractive to all those within.
The Sylvian Union government was set up with each previous nation comprising of a “province”. (However, the terms were often used interchangeably, as a nation is not necessarily an independent state, at least in the classical definition.) From each of these provinces came two delegates, which were meant to vote on issues within the parliament. (For provinces such as [[Rhett]], with only one person, [[AbstractEgg]], he counted as both delegates.) Additionally, each province had a governor, which was decided by the province’s own means. ''[Editor's note: Provinces' "governors" are actually called "viceroys" in Sylvian law, although in casual use the terms are used interchangeably.]''
Most of the previous laws of the nations that the SU comprised of were kept in place so long as they did not conflict with the constitution of the SU, and, as such, their independent workings varied greatly.