Compendium of Server History (Text): Difference between revisions

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'''DISCLAIMER:''' ''This text is a historical document written by FlyingGMM from an OOC perspective in an attempt to document objective history for future players, starting in the very beginning of the server continuing to the current day. It is continually updated in sporadic spurts. Despite scattered grammatical and terminological errors, the text has been rehosted here, in its original form, with extremely little editing.''
''It is meant to be meta, and strives to be unbiased. Unfortunately, due to the natural tendency of authors' limited perspectives, the history herein is arguably Western- and Sylvian-centric, as are the geographical and political terms used. Due to its age, some terms for events are not contemporary ones either. Since the overall wiki is more globally-sourced, it may be prudent to view relevant pages to investigate competing perspectives. Links have been added throughout the document to aid in this.''
''Any disputes of important oversights should be sent to FlyingGMM for revision.''
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With this period of stability, trade started up like never before. While, due to the nature of Minecraft, most states could produce what they needed with little specialization between each other, there were certainly certain items that were specialized in. For example, The Water Boys exported enchanted books and saddles that they had fished to Sylvia, and Sylvian nations (most notably Montrose and Hatty_Hominid) exported terrestrial items to them, such as timber, non-food agricultural items (cacti, sugarcane, pumpkins, melons, etc.), and dirt. The currency for these transactions was usually iron, as it was universally valued and could be easily produced by anyone. Trade within Sylvia happened especially between Montrose and DFIC, particularly for mined materials, most notably Montrose trading large quantities of redstone and lapis blocks to DFIC. This period, despite being mundane, was rocked by a number of serverwide-reaching events, all of which lasted no more than a few hours and had few lasting effects.
=== Order of Icedale-Rhett Crusade ===
The first notable event of the Middle period was the Icedale CoalitionGuild-Rhett war ''[editor's note: this is currently called the [[Order of Icedale]]-Rhett Crusade.]'' On September 14th, there was a minor border dispute between Icedale and the [[Water Boys]], which never would have escalated and never did between the two. However, at FlyingGMM’s[[FlyingGMM]]’s idea of doing so, they decided to start a coalition to “teach AbstractEgg a lesson” for not being involved in some sort of diplomatic dispute.
This was suggested entirely in jest, although it was carried through in a very serious manner. Erjan101, FlyingGMM, GoatWhisperer, 06Smg05, ClapYoThighs, and later RHIN0SAURUS83 (who was “drafted” at bowpoint from his island by GoatWhisperer) made up the coalition, which was styled the “Order of Icedale”, with erjan101, called “Grandmaster Yorgi” placed at its head.