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'''DISCLAIMER:''' ''This text is a historical document written by FlyingGMM from an OOC perspective in an attempt to document objective history for future players, starting in the very beginning of the server continuing to the current day (at least, in theory-- the current form has not been updated since December 2018, cutting out directly before the [[Bagelonian Question]].) It is continually updated in sporadic spurts. Despite scattered grammatical and terminological errors, the text has been rehosted here, in its original form, with extremely little editing, in respect of its value as a genuine historical text.''
''It is meant to be meta, and strives to be unbiased. Unfortunately, due to the natural tendency of authors' limited perspectives, the history herein is arguably Western- and Sylvian-centric, as are the geographical and political terms used. Due to its age, some terms for events are not contemporary ones either. Since the overall wiki is more globally-sourced, it may be prudent to view relevant pages to investigate competing perspectives. Links have been added throughout the document to aid in this.''
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==== Bagelonia, Free State of Lucas ====
BiteZaDusto4901 and [[06Smg05]] also got on the server around this time. The former built for himself an ornate house to the southwest of Sylvia, near Icedale. When offered to, he joined Montrose, and stayed there, not engaging in many affairs, until he later uneventfully left due to his wish to remain nonaligned. The latter built a small, two-story cottage in the swamp to the north of the mesa biome, calling himself “Bagelonia”.
==== The Water Boys ====
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At this point, AbstractEgg was exhausted from repeated fruitless attacks upon the defenses of the fort built by the Order of Icedale, and wanted peace. A courthouse was constructed by erjan101 next to the fort, to be used for a peace negotiations meeting. A meeting was held, and it was determined that the structures built by the Order of Icedale (including the courthouse) would be ceded to Rhett, as the land they were built upon belonged to it. Additionally, it was agreed that AbstractEgg would be paid two stacks of diamonds from HUM. However, a few hours later he fell into a lava trap in GoatWhisperer’s house and very nearly burned to death, had he not logged out. In exchange for AbstractEgg annulling the reparations, GoatWhisperer removed the lava, to allowed AbstractEgg to log back in safely. The tavern was rebuilt later that day.
=== [[Montrosian Cultivation of the Bagelonian Swamplands]] ===
The second event was the cultivation of the Bagelonian swamp, on September 15th. Upon seeing the objectively inefficient agricultural methods employed by Bagelonia, FlyingGMM dedicated several hours to filling in sufficient swampland in front of 06Smg05’s house for the creation of six 9x9 farm plots, each growing a different crop. This was met with extreme hostility by both Bagelonia and the international community. When FlyingGMM left, 06Smg05 dug up the fields, but kept the immature crops therein. The filled-in land was also kept, and was later developed by Bagelonia. FlyingGMM was fined 4 diamonds by HUM for his actions.
=== [[First Burning of Rhett]] ===
The third event was the burning of [[AbstractEgg|AbstractEgg’s]] house, only hours after the [[Montrosian Cultivation of the Bagelonian Swamplands|cultivation of the Bagelonian swamp]]. [[ClapYoThighs]] announced to the discord that Rhett’s house was burning, and sent a screenshot of it with no further context. He soon after went to work in real life, and no one was able to communicate with him for several hours afterwards. This left room for many theories to be spun by those present, and it was arrived at that ClapYoThighs must have burned the house himself. [[FlyingGMM]] himself built a reconstruction of AbstractEgg’s house in creative mode ''[editor's note: in singleplayer mode, not on the server]'', set it alight, and determined that the location that the screenshot was taken from gave enough time for the fire to have been lit and for ClapYoThighs to have ran to the location from which it was taken.
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On September 20th, a court was held in the same courthouse built by erjan101 for the treaty at the end of the [[Order of Icedale|Order of Icedale-Rhett war]]. After about a half hour of deliberation, it was determined by a jury vote that ClapYoThighs had set the fire alight, more because there was more evidence for him than anyone else, even though there was no conclusive evidence. A specific sentence was never determined nor put in place against him.
=== [[Montrose-Icedale War]] ===
Fourth chronologically of the few violent events of the Middle Period was the Montrosian-Icedale war ''[editor's note: this is commonly called the [[Montrose-Icedale War]]]'', which took place on September 16th. This was sparked by a routine, albeit uninvited, diplomatic visit to Icedale by [[FlyingGMM]], the header of [[Montrose]]. [[Erjan101]] punched FlyingGMM in jest. FlyingGMM, in response several minutes later, broke a cobblestone block on one of [[Icedale Guild|Icedale]]’s bridges beneath erjan101, plunging him into the water. In response to this, erjan101 declared war upon Montrose. FlyingGMM first interpreted this as jest, given the perceived inseverity of the events, but it was discovered that it was not, as erjan101, fully unarmored, descended first upon [[Castle Montrose]] and then [[Gabeford]], where FlyingGMM was located. He burned out Castle Montrose, but was repulsed from Gabeford by bow fire, and retreated to the south along the western world border. FlyingGMM chased him on horse, but was ultimately bogged down by the dense forest and lost his trail.
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In the Middle Period, there was also the discussion of the topic of adding plugins to the server. This was started by a proposal by [[FlyingGMM]] on September 21st, to add a plugin that would prevent the repair cost from increasing each time an item is repaired. This was rejected by most of the server along the lines of it being “cheating”, but it brought up the idea discussion of the fact that in order to install plugins to begin with, there needed to be bukkit installed. [[GoatWhisperer]] was about to install bukkit, as this alone would have no effect on the server gameplay itself, when [[Perihelion_Jack]] said that it was needed to hold a vote to determine whether or not to add plugins ''[editor's note: at this time, athough GoatWhisperer administrated the server, the server was democratically run. All changes were only made with the majority of the community's vote.]'' . His argument for this was that many people (himself included) didn’t want any plugins whatsoever, and, as such, was opposed to the idea of adding bukkit, as it would allow the addition of plugins. (Even though these plugins would have to be added by a vote themselves.)
Eventually, two days later, all of the server, with the exception of Perihelion_Jack, voted to add bukkit. At this, Perihelion_Jack was furious, and declared that he was only in opposition to the plugins system because FlyingGMM had proposed it, due to a personal, IRL hatred for him. Furthermore, he was even more enraged at [[Hatty_Hominid]], his IRL friend, who had voted for bukkit, and very nearly came into conflict with him on the server over this ''[editor's note: doing so would have been a violation of rule 6 by mixing metagame with ingamein-game, although Perihelion_Jack regularly engaged in such actions with impunity due to the casual nature of the server. At this time, no formal list of rules had been drafted.]'' He later stated that he supported adding MCMMO (an RPG-type plugin) now that bukkit was added, and this passed 4-2. 
==== FlyingGMM Slain by the Water Boys ====
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The Coalition Period reached its climax and ending event during the infamous [[Hatty_Hominid Raids]], on September 29th.
==== [[Hatty Hominid Raids|The Hatty_Hominid Raids]] ====
In preparation for a war between the PL and SSC, [[GoatWhisperer]] rigged Hatty_Hominid’s house to be burned remotely—by placing a dispenser in his house that could be filled with flint and steel or a firecharge, and activated with redstone to set his mostly wooden house alight. However, he must have left a flint and steel in the dispenser during testing, as Hatty_Hominid came on the server one day to find his house on fire, with a flint and steel in the dispenser. (It was not determined that GoatWhisperer had been the one to accidentally set the house alight until several weeks afterwards, when he admitted it.)
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The Repopulation Period was a period of repopulation of the server. This was due to some of the original players who still played ([[GoatWhisperer]], [[FlyingGMM]], [[ClapYoThighs]], and [[AbstractEgg]]) advertising in certain circles, such as Facebook and Reddit groups, PoliticsAndWar discord servers, and reaching out to their friends. Additionally, the “LGS Waiting Room” discord server, which had been made for members of the LGS friend group not “qualified” to be in the main group (in the main LGS discord, a channel had been set aside for Minecraft, which had been the previous platform used for communication), was renovated into the “LGS Minecraft Server Discord”, with its own specialized channels dedicated to the Minecraft server. The Repopulation Period lasted from November 24th, 2018, to February 18th, 2019, with the formation of [[Goomnest]] and the beginning of the Unification Period.
There were nearly a dozen people who joined the discord in the following weeks and expressed interest, but of those few got on. The first was [[goomyman77]], from a Politics and War discord server, who also got his brother, [[awesomeketchupawesome_ketchup]], to join. They founded [[Goomlandia]] on December 5th, and settled in the dark forest to the east of [[Bagelonia]], eventually expanding over most of the eastern mesa biome. 
On December 12th, FlyingGMM got his friend [[Cassti]] to get on, who joined [[Montrose]] and built a house next to the road to the south of [[Fort Graham]]. [[GoatWhisperer]] got jedixander, who he knew IRL, to join the server, and he joined [[HUM]] on December 24th. However, he was largely inactive during his time on the server, and eventually left the discord.
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AbstractEgg discovered that pizzaswithbone’s house was built on the edge of the faction claim, meaning that blocks could be placed right next to it. This unclaimed spot of land also encompassed the water off of the western side of the house, which was quickly blocked off. This left the cobblestone wall exposed, which was blown open, exposing the wooden ship therein. After several tries to burn it, including using a fire charge dispenser and netherrack, they finally were able to burn the ship by using flaming netherrack to spread fire to the sails. The entire ship burned quickly. To get the now-floating chests, they poured lava on the water below the chests, turning it to stone, and fired TNT onto it. The chests broke open, the loot was divided, and each person went home. The entire siege lasted several hours, into the wee hours of the following morning.
==== [[Brayton Jail]] & [[Diggy Diggy Hole]] ====
The following day, pizzaswithbone claimed that FlyingGMM and AbstractEgg had no right to burn down his ship, and that he had done nothing to deserve such action. [[GoatWhisperer]] and [[FlyingGMM]] devised a plan to trap him in a 3x3 obsidian cell in [[Fort Graham]] with a bed, that was /f claimed by [[Montrose]]. GoatWhisperer lured him to it, with the promise of finding “The Montrose Vault”, which didn’t exist. Once pizzaswithbone was in the cell, GoatWhisperer told him that to open the vault, he had to lay in the bed. (This was so that, even if pizzaswithbone killed himself, he would respawn in the cell.) It slowly dawned upon him that he was trapped. He spent the next few days complaining about not being able to be let out of the cell, and professing his innocence. The decision to put him in the cell was described by FlyingGMM as a “preventative measure”, given that pizzaswithbone only intended to raid on the server.
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Expelled from his home, the following day Carpo_Diem settled in the northeast corner of the old map, in the desert. He created a faction named “Richard”, named after a turtle he kept in a boat at his island, and made a house out of sandstone.
==== [[Bagelonian-Tsarevetan Conflict]] ====
During the week that all of this was going on, [[erjan101]] knocked [[06Smg05]] off the wall of [[Tsarevets]], killing him. this started the [[Bagelonian-Tsarevetan Conflict]]. Erjan101 took 06Smg05’s items hostage, attempting to force [[Bagelonia]] into vassalization. 06Smg05 refused, and erjan101 attacked him, blowing up his dog “[[Popo]]” with TNT. The only third party who knew about the incident was [[FlyingGMM]], who happened to be on at the time. The event entered the eye (and knowledge) of the international community on January 19th, when FlyingGMM casually asked both parties if they were still fighting, as no formal peace agreement had been brokered. In response to this ''[editor's note: in response to hearing of the Tsarevetan atrocities, not in response to FlyingGMM querying the fighting parties]'', at some point, [[GoatWhisperer]] planted TNT beneath the Icedale tavern, and it was later set off by accident by [[ClapYoThighs]]. GoatWhisperer also blew up Dwarf Fortress with the help of [[ForeverAmour]]. The precise dates of all of these events are unknown.
==== Eastern Growth ====
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[[PlasmaMintz]], one of [[goomyman77]]’s IRL friends, joined the server on January 24th and founded [[Voidnest]], taking up a large central part of [[Wildia]], including lands previously owned by [[Richard]]. In the following weeks, he got [[taakoyaki]], [[mimoche]], [[boboismissing]], and [[_EightZero_]] to join. The same day, [[banishthespleen]] (who had joined the discord in early December) got on the server and founded the state of [[Spleenmark]] to the northwest of [[Goomlandia]], along the coast of the [[East Sea]].
==== [[Birch Cult]] ====
Throughout this period, there were many incidents of structures in [[Montrose]] being destroyed or damaged, such as fields, stables, bridges, etc. Next to each of these were signs all saying various things demanding the release of [[pizzaswithbone]] from captivity. [[Carpo_Diem]] and [[erjan101]] were suspected for this, both because of style and motive, but no solid evidence was presented. Similar damages were found throughout [[Goomlandia]] and [[HUM]], but the signs were absent.
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On January 29th, [[Carpo_Diem]] joined [[Goomlandia]], bringing their population up to 4, the largest on the server at that time.
==== [[PizzasWithBone's Apology]] ====
After nearly a month of imprisonment, on February 8th, [[pizzaswithbonePizzasWithBone]] started making more demands for his release. He[[PizzasWithBone's madeApology]] was a very heartfelt speech (which was later found to have been written by [[erjan101]]), and also pleaded with [[FlyingGMM]] IRL to release him, saying that he only wanted to build a barn that he had been designing. FlyingGMM and the rest of the server agreed that he could be released, as it seemed that he was genuine. 
The very next day, several raids were found to have been done all over the server, such as the looting of everything owned by [[Voidnest]], the burning of [[Cassti]]’s house, the burning of a building in [[HUM]], the burning of two buildings in [[Goomlandia]], the partial damage of a stable in [[Bagelonia]], and many of the wooden buildings in [[Tsarevets]]. Furthermore, [[pizzaswithbonePizzasWithBone]] became ever-more snarky as the day progressed, even going as far as to say that [[FlyingGMM]] couldn’t actually enforce him not to raid people. Upon the discovery of this, [[GoatWhisperer]] determined that it violated the rule of no senseless griefing (even though it was within the roleplay of pizzaswithbone), and promptly banned him. ''[editor's note: more can be found on this issue in [[Deathwatch]].]''
==== Various Developments ====
[[Erjan101]] announced his resignation from the server a day later on February 10th, officially due to [[HUM]] having conducted “vigilante interventionism” but suspected as being a result of Tsarevets’ burning. [[Dinoking93]] also announced that he was leaving due to unrelated reasons. Around this time, construction of [[Bageltown]], a city in [[Goomlandia]], commenced.
Around this time, construction of [[Bageltown]], a city in [[Goomlandia]], commenced.
On February 17th, on a weekend Model UN trip, [[FlyingGMM]] invited [[argetlam04]] to the server, who joined [[Montrose]]. When he got home that night, [[FlyingGMM]] found that all of his animals had been killed in his absence. When he began asking the discord who did so, [[_EightZero_]], a citizen of Voidnest, admitted to it, and claimed little motive other than sheer malice. In response, FlyingGMM trapped him in the newly-built [[Fort Graham]] prison (which was a great deal more secure than the one pizzaswithbone had been kept in) until a trial could be held. The reparations demanded by FlyingGMM were rather lenient given the nature of the crime, and amounted to Eight_Zero replacing all the slaughtered livestock. During the whole debacle, goomyman77 lobbied heavily for Eight_Zero’s release, despite them not being in the same faction and goomyman77 having no official authority over Eight_Zero. This was an early example of the “eastern unity” that preceded Goomnest’s founding a day later.
On MayFebruary 11th17th, on a weekend Model UN trip, [[FlyingGMM]] invited Juzomi[[argetlam04]] to the server, and shewho joined [[Montrose]].
Later that day, Pirka joined the server from a Facebook ad put out by FlyingGMM. He invited AnMadadhRua the next day, and they settled in the swamps to the southwest of Montrose. They founded Riochtai na nGael, roughly translating to “Country of the Irish” and was usually abbreviated as RnanG. It was made exclusively of Irish speakers, all actually Irish except for Pirka, who was an American who spoke the language. They settled in the lands to the south of the SU, including the ruins of BiteZaDusto4901’s house. Three of them joined in total. 
On February 17th, on a weekend Model UN trip, [[FlyingGMM]] invited [[argetlam04]] to the server, who joined [[Montrose]]. When he got home that night, [[FlyingGMM]] found that all of his animals had been killed in his absence. When he began asking the discord who did so, [[_EightZero_]], a citizen of [[Voidnest]], admitted to it, and claimed little motive other than sheer malice. In response, FlyingGMM trapped him in the newly-built [[Fort Graham]] prison (which was a great deal more secure than the one [[pizzaswithbone]] had been kept in) until a trial could be held. The reparations demanded by FlyingGMM were rather lenient given the nature of the crime, and amounted to Eight_Zero_EightZero_ replacing all the slaughtered livestock. During the whole debacle, [[goomyman77]] lobbied heavily for Eight_Zero’s_EightZero_’s release, despite them not being in the same faction and goomyman77 having no official authority over Eight_Zero_EightZero_. This was an early example of the “eastern unity” that preceded [[Goomnest|Goomnest’s]] founding a day later.
Later that day, Pirka joined the server from a Facebook ad put out by FlyingGMM. He invited [[AnMadadhRua]] the next day, and they settled in the swamps to the southwest of [[Montrose]]. They founded [[Riochtai na nGael]], roughly translating to “Country of the Irish” and was usually abbreviated as RnanG. It was made exclusively of Irish speakers, all actually Irish except for Pirka, who was an American who spoke the language. They settled in the lands to the south of the SU, including the ruins of BiteZaDusto4901’s house. Three of them joined in total.'''<nowiki/>''' 
== The Unification Period ==
The Unification Period was characterized by the merging of several of the factions on the server. Initially, [[Goomnest]], a combination of [[Goomlandia]] and [[Voidnest]] was formed, and a few weeks later the [[Sylvian Union]] was formed from [[HUM]], [[Rhett]], and [[Montrose]]. Both of these factions commanded massive amounts of faction power (at least 100 at their lowest), more than any other faction had ever before. It lasted from February 18th with the creation of Goomnest, to May 14th with its[Goomnest]'s dissolution. Virtually every state outside of Goomnest or the Sylvian Union picked a particular superpower to align itself with, such that once again the entire server was fractured along two lines.
Due to the nationalistic nature of the unifications, the nationalistic differences between the east and west continued to contrast with each other and became institutionalized. Throughout this period, there were many verbal hostilities between both sides, although war never occurred between the two powers. In fact, the Unification Period was one of the most politically stable periods in server history.
=== Formation of Goomnest ===
[[Goomnest]] completely unified the two nations of [[Goomlandia]] and [[Voidnest]]. They were culturally very close (the comprising nations mostly consisting of people from the same friend group), and this sped along the unification. A diarchy was formed, with [[goomyman77]] presiding over the Goomlandia part and [[PlasmaMintz]] presiding over the Voidnest part, and both conferring with each other on national decisions.
=== Formation of the Sylvian Union ===
As for the [[Sylvian Union]], founded on February 24th, the process was slightly more shaky. This was due to the long independent history held by each state involved, contrasting government models, and overall apprehensions. The creation of the Sylvian Union was delayed for around a week before it was formally founded, as kinks in government were worked out.
The government model of the Sylvian Union was heavily decentralized with no member nation or even individual holding “superiority”, exceedingly rare even in the most democratic nations both in the world and previously on the server. This made it very attractive to all those within.
The Sylvian Union government was set up with each previous nation comprising of a “province”. (However, the terms were often used interchangeably, as a nation is not necessarily an independent state, at least in the classical definition.) From each of these provinces came two delegates, which were meant to vote on issues within the parliament. (For provinces such as [[Rhett]], with only one person, [[AbstractEgg]], he counted as both delegates.) Additionally, each province had a governor, which was decided by the province’s own means. ''[Editor's note: Provinces' "governors" are actually called "viceroys" in Sylvian law, although in casual use the terms are used interchangeably.]''
Most of the previous laws of the nations that the SU comprised of were kept in place so long as they did not conflict with the constitution of the SU, and, as such, their independent workings varied greatly.
=== Growing Populations & Tensions ===
During this period, both Goomnest and Sylvia, Montrose specifically, were hit by raids. Both states blamed the other, both due to existing animosity and perceived motive held by either side. (See FlyingGMM’s raid on Goomnest’s potato fields on March 11th.)
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On February 23rd, Luka23GG joined the server, and founded New Arcadia on Dwarf Island. He invited his friends luisnext1989, sanlega, QU4KM4N, and GPSJoan, who all joined New Arcadia. New Arcadia initially allied with Goomnest, before becoming isolationist and eventually going inactive and disbanding.
=== Scramble for the Federal Province ===
On February 24th, RnanG came into conflict with the Sylvian Union (the same day it was founded) over a mountain to the northwest of the swamp they lived in. Prior to the Sylvian Union’s founding, HUM had unofficially annexed the mountain and built a building intended to function as the Sylvian parliament building at its peak. RnanG discovered this while scouting out land to expand into. The Sylvian development in lands they considered their own was viewed as imperialism by RnanG, while the Sylvian Union argued that the land was developed prior to RnanG’s settlement in the area and therefore it had no reason to retract its claims.
Negotiations commenced, with the Sylvian Union initially offering RnanG their help in relocating. RnanG rejected this proposal. Finally, after much deliberation, it was agreed that RnanG would help the Sylvian Union move the parliament building, and would formally annex the land. However, this was never actually carried out.
=== Iskallia Formed ===
MithicSpirit was invited by goomyman77 on February 27th. He created the state of Iskallia in a small “trade outpost” made by Icedale in the Middle Period, to the east of Tsarevets.
=== Formation of the Free City of Banastair ===
On March 3rd, Banastair reached out to FlyingGMM and the Sylvian Union as a whole and requested their assistance in taking over New Arcadia, in exchange for an alliance. The Sylvian Union saw no reason to support this, but offered Banastair an interesting counteroffer: Banastair would be allowed to found and have total control over a state to the Sylvian Union’s east, straddling the northern and western coasts of the East Sea, called the “Free City of Banastair” (FCB). The Sylvian Union would provide military, diplomatic, and material support for this state. In exchange, the Sylvian Union would have control over the FCB’s diplomatic relations. The Sylvian Union had another use for the FCB, though: it provided a place to put any future enemy defectors who wished to be aligned with the Sylvian Union, but could not be entirely trusted in the Sylvian Union faction itself.
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On March 7th, argetlam04 invited enbydrowned, and he joined Montrose.
=== FlyingGMM’s raid on Goomnest’s potato fields ===
On March 11th, when FlyingGMM discovered that the Montrosian Production Emporium and his own fields had been raided. As the only temporal evidence available supported three people in Goomnest, in retaliation he destroyed the main Goomnestian potato fields, targeting a public structure due to his belief that Goomnest had targeted a public structure. This was discovered by goomyman77, and all temporal evidence pointed to FlyingGMM specifically. FlyingGMM admitted to the retaliatory raid. In reparations after a long negotiation process, FlyingGMM rebuilt the potato fields and built an automated potato cooker on-site.
=== Rise of Hong & Ong (and rattleworm too) ===
The same day, [[hongstoes|ngstoes]] invited her friend [[ongstoes]] to the server. Ongstoes was initially attracted to [[Montrose]] (as Montrose’s namesake was the real-life town of Montrose in Scotland, which ongstoes happened to live near), and sought to join the [[Sylvian Union]] under Montrose. However, the Sylvian Union was suspicious of ongstoes, seeing as she had joined the server from hongstoes, a citizen of [[Goomnest]]. She was offered a citizenship in the [[Lucagrad|FCB]], and she took this offer—making her the first person to join the FCB other than Banastair. Ongstoes, despite being a citizen in the FCB, mostly resided in Goomnest’s [[Bageltown]] to be close to hongstoes. Later that day, [[ClapYoThighs]] got his sister, rattleworm, to join the server and [[HUM]]. However, she soon went inactive.
=== Forming of Soraryius ===
On March 14th, [[YellowEevee22]] and [[Tv306]] (two sisters) joined the server through Eight_Zero[[_EightZero_]]. They initially joined [[Goomnest]] but soon broke away to found the state of [[Soraryius]] along the northern coast of [[Tierra del Fuego]].
=== Fall of RnanG ===
On March 15th, [[RnanG]] got their friend, AnGabhairinBui, to join the server. Their friend, however, supposedly only spoke Irish, and no English. (It should be noted that only 2.5% of Ireland speaks Irish, including those who speak it in conjunction to English, and there are virtually no exclusive Irish speakers in Ireland.) The next day, after deliberating the matter between themselves, [[GoatWhisperer]] and [[FlyingGMM]] declined AnGabhairinBui’s application due to him not knowing any English, on the grounds that he would be unable to understand anything (namely server rules) without a translator. In response to this, all of RnanG left the server—a day before Saint Patrick’s Day. With the effective dissolution of RnanG, the [[Sylvian Union]] annexed the entirety of their territory, to be the “federal“[[Federal Province of the Sylvian Union|federal province”province]]”, the seat of the Sylvian Union’s administration.
On March 30th, argetlam04 invited BeachKid to the server, and he joined Montrose.
On March 14th, YellowEevee22 and Tv306 (two sisters) joined the server through Eight_Zero. They initially joined Goomnest but soon broke away to found the state of Soraryius along the northern coast of Tierra del Fuego.
=== Establishment of DEInc ===
On March 15th, RnanG got their friend, AnGabhairinBui, to join the server. Their friend, however, only spoke Irish, and no English. (It should be noted that only 2.5% of Ireland speaks Irish, including those who speak it in conjunction to English, and there are virtually no exclusive Irish speakers in Ireland.) The next day, after deliberating the matter between themselves, GoatWhisperer and FlyingGMM declined AnGabhairinBui’s application due to him not knowing any English, on the grounds that he would be unable to understand anything (namely server rules) without a translator. In response to this, all of RnanG left the server—a day before Saint Patrick’s Day. With the effective dissolution of RnanG, the Sylvian Union annexed the entirety of their territory, to be the “federal province”, the seat of the Sylvian Union’s administration.
On March 30th, argetlam04 invited BeachKid to the server, and he joined Montrose. Around this time, dinoking93 established [[Dinoking93 Excavation Incorporated]] (faction name DEInc), which was a stockholder-run corporate state providing excavation services. DEInc also engaged in illegal excavation for its own resources within the borders of several states. Players were able to pay diamonds, iron, or nether quartz in exchange for shares of the company. These shares (or percentages of a set amount of 100 shares total) accounted for votes in control of the company, including diplomatic actions. DEInc built a large tower out of nether quartz off the coast of HUM in the East Sea to serve as its “corporate headquarters”. On March 31st, Goomlandia annexed the mesa previously owned by Banastair before he resettled and founded the FCB.
=== The Banastair Debacle ===
On March 30th, argetlam04 invited BeachKid to the server, and he joined Montrose. Around this time, dinoking93 established Dinoking93 Excavation Incorporated (DEInc), which was a stockholder-run corporate state providing excavation services. DEInc also engaged in illegal excavation for its own resources within the borders of several states. Players were able to pay diamonds, iron, or nether quartz in exchange for shares of the company. These shares (or percentages of a set amount of 100 shares total) accounted for votes in control of the company, including diplomatic actions. DEInc built a large tower out of nether quartz off the coast of HUM in the East Sea to serve as its “corporate headquarters”. On March 31st, Goomlandia annexed the mesa previously owned by Banastair before he resettled and founded the FCB.
On March 31st, [[Goomlandia]] annexed the mesa previously owned by [[Banastair]] before he resettled and founded the [[Lucagrad|FCB]].
On April 1st, [[Scampo12]] was invited to the server by [[ongstoes]]. He joined the Free City of Banastair, wanting to be in the same country as her.
On April 7th, [[FlyingGMM]] and [[GoatWhisperer]] were sent screenshots in a group chat by [[dinoking93]], which appeared to be Goomnestian[[Goomnest]]ian plans for invading the [[Sylvian Union]] through the FCB. [[Goomyman77]] had apparently made a council-type discord server with heads of various Goomnest-aligned states, including DEInc, [[New Arcadia]], [[Bagelonia]], [[Iskallia]], and, most interesting to the Sylvian Union, the FCBFree City of Banastair. Banastair was in the group and present for the discussion of plans involving his cooperation in invading the Sylvian Union—but never alerted them to this. When confronted about it over the next few days by the Sylvian Union, Banastair presented a number of excuses, namely that he didn’t want to alert the Sylvian Union prematurely. The Sylvian Union, seeing his inaction as at best gross incompetence and at worst outright treason, replaced him with [[Cassti]]. Banastair left the discord server on April 10th, angry over having been found out. The intercepted plans turned out to be fake, made by goomyman77 to weed out potential informants. The same day as Banastair left, ongstoes emigrated from the FCB to join hongstoes in Goomnest. They moved to the newly-annexed mesa previously belonging to Banastair, and built a very tall tower out of terracotta, calling it “Toe Tower”. Scampo12 remained in the FCB.
=== Further Montrosian Expansion ===
On April 10th, [[argetlam04]] invited [[Abstacious]] to the server, who joined [[Montrose]]. BiteZaDusto490[[BiteZaDusto4901]] returned to the server for the first time since he left at the end of the Coalition Period after [[Hatty_Hominid]] burned his house, and joined Montrose. Both of them (initially unknown to [[FlyingGMM]]) settled in lands annexed from [[RnanG]], which were technically part of the Sylvian [[Federal Province of the Sylvian Union|federal province]] rather than Montrose. FlyingGMM asked the Sylvian parliament’s permission on April 14th to formally annex the area on which the two estates lay on for Montrose. It was granted, and Montrose expanded for the first time since the Barren Period. On April 16th, [[ClaimingBand]] was invited to the server by Abstacious and joined Montrose, settling in the newly-annexed area.
=== Fall of Dinoking93 ===
On April 20th, after a very thorough investigation by [[GoatWhisperer]], [[dinoking93]] was found to have been x-raying, at least when he was living at Heaven Island during the Repopulation Period. As such, he was banned, as well as ForeverAmor[[ForeverAmour]], who always mined with him and would have had to have been an accomplice. [[Dinoking93 Excavation Incorporated|DEInc]] was disbanded by this, but dinoking93 “willed” his tower to [[goomyman77]].
=== Abstacious: Possessor of the Quartz ===
The following day, the Sylvian parliament, seeing the large and imposing tower arguably within its waterspace, decided to take it down. [[Abstacious]], who simply happened to be online at the time, dismantled the tower himself, and was lauded extensively within the [[Sylvian Union]] ''[editor's note: he was awarded the [[Hero of the Union]] award, an award created specifically to laud him for this act]''. [[Goomnest]] demanded that the nether quartz be returned at least (as they viewed it as their property); the Sylvian Union refused.
=== Toe Gang's Secession from Goomnest ===
On April 29th, [[Brokate]] joined the server under [[Goomnest]]. That same day, [[ongstoes]] and [[hongstoes]] seceded from [[Goomnest]] to found the state of [[ToeGANG|Toe Gang]]. Toe Gang kept [[Toe Tower]] and some of the outlying area, and annexed a significant amount of land to the south of [[Soraryius]], in [[Toe Forest|a flower forest]]. They allied with both Goomnest and the [[Sylvian Union]].
=== Formation of Vailan ===
On May 1st, [[vetous]] joined the server from the main LGSElgeis discord. Vetous was not active for the first couple weeks after joining, but later founded the state of [[Kingdom of Vailan|Vailan]] in the mountain range to the north of the [[Sylvian Union]]. He built impressive structures spanning the mountains and valleys in between.
=== Juzomi ===
On May 11th, FlyingGMM invited Juzomi to the server, and she joined Montrose.
On May 11th, [[FlyingGMM]] invited [[Juzomi]] to the server, and she joined [[Montrose]].
=== Voidnestian Secession from Goomnest ===
On May 14th, after a few days of communication with the [[Sylvian Union]] and seeking their support, [[Voidnest]] broke away from [[Goomnest]]. They cited self-determination and dislike for goomyman77’s[[goomyman77]]’s control over the nominally diacratic government in this. This went very smoothly, with Voidnest and [[Goomlandia]] reverting back to their previous borders and population. Goomnestians who joined after the merge remained in Goomlandia. Voidnest allied with the Sylvian Union and [[ToeGANG|Toe Gang]]
=== Goomlandian Reforms ===
Goomlandia, having seen many of their people secede over lacking autonomy, began a system of reforms. These included the establishment of the office of co-leader (to which Brokate was appointed to), and increased personal rights.
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On May 16th, goomyman77 invited guptacakeman to the server, and he joined Goomlandia. However, a few days later, he came into conflict with Goomlandia over zoning regulations in Bageltown, and seceded and ultimately went inactive.
[[Category:Server Pages]]