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{{Infobox_character|name = aquascissors|image = aquascissors-house.png|imagecaption = Aquascissors' home in HUM, complete with emblematic floating pathways}}<blockquote>"Rest|aliases=Aqua|affiliation=[[HUM]] easy(former)|birthDate=December aqua...12, on2018|deathDate=December the22, big eyesore-bridge in the sky." - GoatWhisperer after banning aquascissors</blockquote>2018}}
<blockquote>"Rest easy aqua... on the big eyesore-bridge in the sky." - GoatWhisperer after banning aquascissors</blockquote>
{{Infobox_character|Username = aquascissors|Short name = Aqua|Affiliation = Montrose, HUM|Ban date = 12/22/18}}Aquascissors ([[Banned players|banned]]) was a citizen of [[Montrose]] (originally) and later, [[HUM]], who was essentially only interested in building massive, egregious, floating cobblestone roads connecting all parts of the map together - with or without the consent of the countries that owned the places in question. He is one of the only people banned for lack of understanding, rather than a moral failing. He is the namesake for the [[Aquascissors Memorial Governance Building]], commonly called the "HUM Skyscraper".
== Career ==
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Aquascissors refused to back down or even show that he understood the concept of sovereignty (in an OOC sense), and was banned on December 22nd. Although controversial to begin with, as no one had been banned before for simply not understanding the point of the server, the ban was justified with a few schools of thought:
# Anyone who joins the server should at least understand the political roleplay and the concepts at work to some degree, else they can't really participate in RP and would thus treat the server as any other server (as Aquascissors was doing).
# Aquascissors' lack of any ingamein-game justification or attempt at RP for his actions, which was again due to his not understanding the point of the server, leads his widespread nonconsensual building to essentially fall under the cornerstone "no indiscriminate griefing" rule.
== Legacy ==
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In an OOC sense, aquascissors is responsible for several changes to server management. His actions brought to the forefront the issue of unrealistic structures and led to the addition of Rule #8 (no unrealistic/floating structures) to address future issues, setting the stage for future events such as [[Dronesicles]]. He also led to an important clarification question to the effect of "are you familiar with the political nature of this server?" being included in the vetting process to ensure players understood the purpose of the server as a political RP platform before allowing them to join.