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Banksy007 is a politician, businessman and paramilitary leader of Schevakian heritage, currently serving as "co-dictator" of the southern nation of B&I. Banksy is known for his material generosity and often belligerent demeanor, coupled with an unpredictable set of political beliefs and enigmatic ideology manifested in the Banksy-led FELN, originally a counter-terrorist paramilitary group that at times operated as a quasi-state and has since evolved into an intangible "idea". In addition to his political endeavors, Banksy is a major shareholder in MI Inc. and is believed to be one of the wealthier individuals in the world.

Life and Career

Early Life

Banksy007 was born on March 28th, 2020 into the third generation of Schevakians and was raised in the central Polgolas region of Schevakia by thepolg and SgtKickYourAss. Upon reaching maturity, Banksy and his brother Usturi set out to seek their fortune in the Melaconian frontier of northeast Schevakia, where they founded a small mining homestead. However, the economic productivity of this homestead was severely limited and life expectancy remained chronically low, in large part as a result of pervasive conflict between Banksy and Usturi.

Schevakian Political Figure

Recognizing the squalor and impoverished conditions of the Melaconian frontier and having a political-demographic need for new Sche blood in the west, in early April of 2020 the Schevakian government forcibly resettled Banksy and Usturi to the Isle of Ilyrdom as part of an ongoing genocidal campaign against the island's native Ilyrians. As a condition of their resettlement in Ilyrdom, Banksy and Usturi were promised greater political power and autonomy than they had had in Melaconia. The more ambitious of the duo, Banksy quickly consolidated this power in his own hands and largely sidelined Usturi, who would remain impoverished and be relegated to the sidenotes of history.

In his position as provincial governor of Ilyrdom, Banksy played a key role in directing the ethnic cleansing and re-education of the Ilyrians on the island, most notably serving as the director of the Ilyrdom Concentration Camp, a position which brought him into conflict with ethnic Wohlstandian camp staff. Ethnic tensions between the Wohl and Sche people of the island came to a head with the killing of Banksy's horse and burglary of his valuables, which Banksy blamed on concentration camp employee Okej, who for his part denied the accusations. This crime and its fallout served as a major test of the makeshift frontier justice system, and was only further complicated by Banksy's subsequent appointment as Chief of Police of Schevakia. The investigation of this crime was cut short and a trial was never held as a result of the collapse of the Schevakian Republic.

During the liberalization era of the Schevakian Republic in early-mid April of 2020, citizens who were previously excluded from significant positions received coveted high-level appointments. In addition to his ascension to the role of Police Chief, Banksy became one of the two Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Schevakian Army, along with SgtKickYourAss. This uneasy partnership marked the beginning of a long-lasting era of contention and rivalry between Banksy and Sgt, who rarely saw eye to eye on any kind of matters.

Balkan Troubles and Formation of FELN

International Exploits

Baguette and Inquisition

Business Ventures

Personal Life